2011年11月18日 星期五

2011_11_18 omnibus \OM-nuh-buhs\, noun: A volume of reprinted works of a single author

omnibus \OM-nuh-buhs\, noun:
1. A volume of reprinted works of a single author or of works related in interest or theme.
2. A bus.
1. Pertaining to, including, or dealing with numerous objects or items at once.
He is working on an omnibus volume that will combine old and new material to explain what he's been doing all these years.
 -- Benjamin Ivry, “Joseph Mitchell's Secret” New York Magazine, Feb. 9, 1987
An omnibus containing extracts from past works, linked with Koestler's 1980 comments, it has a far more coherent shape than the author appears to think.
 -- Bernard Dixon, “Two Cultures At One” New Scientist, Jan. 8, 1981
Omnibus means “for all” in Latin.

