2012年3月7日 星期三

2012_03_07 rutilant \ROOT-l-uhnt\, adjective: 閃閃發光

Word of the Day for Wednesday, March  7, 2012
rutilant \ROOT-l-uhnt\, adjective:
Glowing or glittering with ruddy or golden light.
He had a round head as bare as a knee, a corpse's button nose, and very white, very limp, very damp hands adorned with rutilant gems.
 -- Vladimir Nabokov, Ada, or Ardor: A Family Chronicle
It was like the show-piece that is reserved for the conclusion of a fete, the huge bouquet of gold and crimson, as if Paris were burning like a forest of old oaks and soaring heavenward in a rutilant cloud of sparks and flame.
 -- Émile Zola, The Downfall
Why flashed through space a sudden and extraordinary splendor, intenser than the rutilant fulgurations of the aurora borealis, lighting up the whole heavens instantaneously, and for a moment eclipsing every star of every magnitude?
 -- Jules Verne, To The Sun?
Rutilant is from the Latin word rutilāns, meaning "having a reddish color or glow."


- 納博科夫,ADA,熱情家庭紀事

- 左拉倒台

為什麼閃過空間突然異彩更加劇烈北極光rutilant fulgurations照亮了整個天空瞬間每一個巨大明星黯然失色一刻
- 儒勒·凡爾納在陽光下


