2012年6月18日 星期一

2012_06_18 Volant adj. nimble.

Word of the Day for Monday, June 18, 2012
volant \VOH-luhnt\, adjective:
1. Moving lightly; nimble.
2. Engaged in or having the power of flight.
1. Also called volant piece. Armor. A reinforcing piece for the brow of a helmet.
But here in the present case, to carry on the volant metaphor, (for I must either be merry or mad) is a pretty little Miss, just, come out of her hanging-sleeve coat, brought to buy a pretty little fairing; for the world, Jack, is but a great fair thou knowest; and, to give thee serious reflection for serious, all its toys but tinselled hobby horses, gilt gingerbread, squeaking trumpets, painted drums, and so forth.
 -- Samuel Richardson, Clarissa, Or, The History of a Young Lady
With Rube winging it that spring, the band blared, and the volant baseball team was unbeatable.
 -- Alan Howard Levy, Rube Waddell
Volant stems from the Latin word volāre which meant "to fly". In English, it acquired the sense of moving nimbly in the early 1600s.
展翅\的VOH-luhnt\,形容詞:1。移動掉以輕心;靈活。2。從事或擁有飛行的力量。名詞:1。也稱為展翅片。鎧甲。一個頭盔的容顏,加強一塊。但在目前情況下,進行的展翅比喻,(我必須是快樂或瘋狂)是一個漂亮的小小姐,只是,她吊袖大衣,拿來買了漂亮的小整流罩;世界,傑克,但一個偉大的公平你知道,給你嚴重的認真反思,其所有的玩具,但tinselled愛好馬,鎏金薑餅,吱吱小號,畫鼓,等等。  - 塞繆爾·理查森,克拉麗莎,或者,一位年輕女士的歷史魯貝藏匿的那年春天,樂隊的迴響,展翅的棒球隊是無與倫比的。  - 阿蘭·霍華德·利維,魯貝沃德爾展翅源於拉丁詞volāre這意味著“飛”。在英語中,它獲得了靈活移動,在17世紀初感。

