2011年12月25日 星期日

2011_12_25 hiemal 寒冷的 \HAHY-uh-muhl\, adjective: Of or pertaining to winter; wintry.

hiemal \HAHY-uh-muhl\, adjective: 寒冷的
Of or pertaining to winter; wintry.
Since snow and frost lasted from October well into April, no wonder the mean of my school memories is definitely hiemal.
 -- Vladimir Nabokov, Speak, Memory
We took hours to make camp and hours to break camp, and in between tottered like children across the immensity of that bleak and hiemal playground.
 -- Beryl Bainbridge, The Birthday Boys
Hiemal is derived from the Sanskrit word hima meaning “cold, frost, snow.”


