2012年7月14日 星期六

2012_07_13 My Resignation

Joseph Chow (周國忠)
President, Overseas Alumni Association of
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Northern California)
Dear Joseph,

The current controversy of revising the OAA-CUHK Bylaws, the issue of anonymous voting and the ongoing insulting comments and provoking wrongful accusations from certain directors are making it uneasy to work with those directors. My wife, Amy Kwock (鄧瑋), and I feel that it is no longer enjoyable and challenging to serve as OAA Directors. Please accept our resignations, effective immediately.

There is a member of The Internet Committee ready to take over the OAA-CUHK website. This is a great relief as I feel comfortable to release the long-overdue duty. Please accept my resignation as the webmaster also, effective immediately. The next webmaster will take full responsibility for deploying a new website and for managing related functions; the lease for the current website ends in July. I will not be involved in any function or question from now on.

Not too long ago, Edward Lee (李海滋) resigned his OAA presidency. I begged him to "任勞任怨" to stay on as OAA President. In deep agony, Edward responded "Pardon me to weight my health/life above a detrimental job". Ironically, his only option then has now become mine. What an enlightening and inspiring precedent!

Sincerely yours,

Tony Kwock (郭堂)
Founding President, Overseas Alumni Association of
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Northern California)


                                   July 13, 2012

Subject:  Recap of My Service to OAA and Motivation for My Resignation

Dear All,

I enjoyed as the president of Chung Chi College Student Union during my school day and being the founding president of the OAA since 1981.  During the past thirty years, devoting my time and financial resources, together with the support of the local CUHK alumni, we have bridged alumni in a foreign land to a happy home, enjoying fellowship.  Over the many years, in various roles as either a leader or a member, I have been always open for suggestions to improve the OAA and myself.  Our work was finally noticed.  In 2007, the chairman of the CUHK Honorary Fellowship Committee wanted to nominate me for the honorary fellowship.  I declined his offer as it would put myself apart from our members and distract my dedication to OAA in the Bay.  In a word, I refused to glorify myself.

As a webmaster, I have dutifully kept it lively with fair coverage on significant news from members.  Above all, there is an “Opinion web page” on the OAA web, by which alumni can reflect their feeling about the way that we conducted the OAA affairs.  If they do not like their pictures appeared on the OAA web, they can request to remove them.

The following background information derived from the recent emails of the OAA directors is for your information.

One of the directors proposed and passed a revision of OAA bylaw to get rid of some directors using anonymous voting in order to create room for new recruits.  This is not necessary since the OAA bylaw has provision to enlarge the board of directors, we can expand the board of directors to recruit more fresh energy to the board.  At the same time, we can retain the devoted and experience directors.  With a large base of active alumni on board, the functions of OAA can easily have large participants.  Using “decision by the majority vote” approach in the “OAA by-law revision committee” sounds democratic.  Sometimes, it is just “pseudo-democratic”.  A “win-win” strategy to resolve conflicts is to “seek common ground while reserving differences”.  A manipulative individual can use the name of “The Board” as a majority vote to fulfill a wish/justify an issue.

Another director, an old timer of OAA, rich in imagination and pessimism, slanders me with untrue stories (his email dated June 10, 2012), using “founding president” to glorify myself, self-claiming as first class members of OAA, etc.  I am the founding president of OAA.  That is the fact.  I have never claimed that I am the “first class members of OAA” as Frank asserted in his email.

A new director joined the Internet Committee recently and immediately demanded the password to manage OAA web without proper knowledge of the system.  While I, as the webmaster, need to safe-guard the web, I suggest keeping the OAA web-site intact while we are searching for ways to improve it.  His accusation “difficult to work with me” and blackmail with his resignation are really disturbing me.

Have a good day!

Tony Kwock (郭堂)
Founding President, Overseas Alumni Association of
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Northern California)

2012_07_14 Baccate 漿果狀

Word of the Day for Saturday, July 14, 2012
baccate \BAK-eyt\, adjective:
1. Berrylike.
2. Bearing berries.
Such fruits are collectively called baccate or berried.
 -- John Hutton Balfour, Class Book of Botany
 Its appearance suggests that it is a capsule becoming baccate.
 -- H. N. Ridley, Natural Science
Entering English in the 1820s, baccate is derived from the Latin word bacca meaning "berry."

- 約翰·赫頓貝爾福類,植物

- H N.雷德利,自然科學


2012年7月13日 星期五

2012_07_13 Tawpie n. 一個愚蠢或粗心的年輕人。

Word of the Day for Friday, July 13, 2012
tawpie \TAW-pee\, noun:
A foolish or thoughtless young person.
Do ye no hear me, tawpie? Do ye no hear what I'm tellin' ye?
 -- Robert Louis Stevenson, The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Weir of Hermiston
You are just idle tawpies.
 -- Amelia Edith Huddleston Barr, Profit and Loss
Tawpie comes from the Swedish word tåbe meaning "a simpleton."


- 斯蒂文森傑基爾博士海德先生Hermiston奇怪的案例

- 阿米莉亞伊迪絲赫德爾斯頓巴爾,利潤虧損


2012年7月12日 星期四

2012_07_12 Paronymous adj. 含有相同的根或莖 ining the same root

Word of the Day for Thursday, July 12, 2012
paronymous \puh-RON-uh-muhs\, adjective:
Containing the same root or stem, as the words wise and wisdom.
The sentence seems to reverberate with echoes of assonance—another distinctive trait of Haweke's writing often enriched with alliterative patterns or even rhymes—on both sides of the two central words: "pale petal," whose juxtaposition involves an anagramatical and paronymous variation.
 -- Heide Ziegler, Facing Texts
This in itself is a significant achievement in a language so flowery and paronymous to the extent that exaggeration, especially at that time of its literary history, is widely considered to be one of its inherent characteristics.
 -- Sabry Hafez, The Quest for Identities
Paronymous stems from the Greek roots para- meaning "beside" and onoma meaning "a name."
含有相同的根或莖,聰明和智慧的話。這句話似乎迴盪經常用頭韻的模式,甚至押韻,對雙方的兩個中心詞豐富的諧音,另一Haweke的寫作的鮮明特徵相呼應:“蒼白的花瓣”,其的並列,涉及anagramatical和paronymous變化。  - 海德齊格勒,面對文本這本身是一種語言的顯著成就,使如花和paronymous,誇張,尤其是在那個時候的文學史,被廣泛認為是其固有的特性之一的程度。  -  Sabry哈菲茲,身份的任務從希臘​​根paronymous莖段,意思是“旁”和onoma意思是“一個名字。”

2012年7月11日 星期三

2010_07_11 Hyprthral adj. 全部或部分開放的天空。

Word of the Day for Wednesday, July 11, 2012
hypethral \hi-PEE-thruhl\, adjective:
(Of a classical building) wholly or partly open to the sky.
Follow the gallery around for about a thousand paces until you come to the hypethral. With it dark out you might miss it, so keep an eye open for the plants.
 -- Gene Wolfe, Shadow and Claw
The choice of top light for the main galleries is said to have been dictated by the belief that Greek temples were hypethral, that is, open to the sky; from which it was inferred that Greek taste demanded to see works of art under light from above.
 -- Benjamin Ives Gilman, Museum Ideals of Purpose and Method
Hypethral stems from the Greek roots hyp- which means "under" and aîthros meaning "clear sky."

- 基因沃爾夫

- 本傑明·艾夫斯吉爾曼博物館的理想宗旨和方法


2012年7月10日 星期二

Ectopic adj. 流離失所。displaced.

Word of the Day for Tuesday, July 10, 2012
ectopic \ek-TOP-ik\, adjective:
Occurring in an abnormal position or place; displaced.
It does not appear that any modern author, or any of our large numbers of "systems" of surgery, has taken up this important aspect of "ectopic tumors."
 -- Dr. Thomas H. Manley, The Medical Times and Register, Vol. 33 - 34
Diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy was made and immediate operation decided upon.
 -- Dr. J. Henry Barbat, Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 32
Ectopic is from the invented Greek word ectopia meaning "out of place." It was coined in 1873.
異位\ EK-TOP-IK\,形容詞


- 博士托馬斯H·曼利,醫療時報“和”註冊,卷 33 - 34

- J.亨利Barbat博士在美國醫學協會雜誌 32


2012年7月9日 星期一

2012_07_09 Scherzando adj. 俏皮;嬉戲。Playful; sportive.

Word of the Day for Monday, July  9, 2012
scherzando \skert-SAHN-doh\, adjective:
Playful; sportive.
A short coda recalls the scherzando music, and the piece concludes with the jazzy harmony.
 -- Howard Pollack, John Alden Carpenter
A recapitulation satisfies the sonata principle by partially transposing both of the episodes to the tonic, and to cap off the movement with a tour de force Weber combines the last statement of the refrain with the scherzando theme.
 -- R. Larry Todd, Nineteenth-Century Piano Music
Scherzando comes from the Italian word scherzare meaning "to joke." It entered English in the early 1800s.


- 霍華德·波拉克,約翰·奧爾登木匠

- R.拉里·托德,19世紀鋼琴音樂


2012年7月8日 星期日

2012_07_08 Vamp v/n. 修補;維修。To patch up

Word of the Day for Sunday, July  8, 2012
vamp \vamp\, verb:
1. To patch up; repair.
2. To give (something) a new appearance by adding a patch or piece.
3. To concoct or invent (often followed by up): He vamped up a few ugly rumors to discredit his enemies.
4. To furnish with a vamp, especially to repair (a shoe or boot) with a new vamp.
1. The portion of a shoe or boot upper that covers the instep and toes.
2. Something patched up or pieced together.
...plod and plow, vamp your old coats and hats, weave a shoestring; great affairs and the best wine by and by.
 -- Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Illusions," Essays and Poems
To lay false claim to an invention or discovery which has an immediate market value; to vamp up a professedly new book of reference by stealing from the pages of one already produced at the cost of much labour and material…
 -- George Eliot, Impressions of Theophrastus Such
Vamp is a shortening of the Middle French word avant-pie literally meaning "fore-foot." This sense of the word is embedded in the more common word revamp.
鞋面\鞋面\,動詞:1。修補;維修。2。給(某物)通過添加補丁或一塊新的面貌。3。捏造或發明(通常達):,他vamped了一些醜陋的謠言,詆毀他的敵人。4。提供1鞋面,尤其是修復了一個新的鞋面(鞋或靴子)。名詞:1。部分,涵蓋了腳背和腳趾的鞋或靴子上。2。一些修補或拼湊起來的。......邁著和犁,鞋面舊的大衣和帽子,編織鞋帶;偉大的事務,和最好的葡萄酒。  - 愛默生,“幻影”,散文和詩歌奠定虛報發明或發現其中有一個直接的市場價值;鞋面自稱新書的參考,從大量的勞動力和原材料成本已經產生了一個網頁竊取...  - 喬治·艾略特,對的泰奧弗拉斯這樣的印象鞋面是縮短了中東的法語單詞字面意思前衛餡餅“脫穎而出的腳。”這種意義上的字是嵌入在較常見的字改革。

2012年7月7日 星期六

Aliquant adj.包含一個數字或數量but not dividing it evenly

Word of the Day for Saturday, July  7, 2012
aliquant \AL-i-kwuhnt\, adjective:
Contained in a number or quantity, but not dividing it evenly: An aliquant part of 16 is 5.
Cunning is the aliquant of talent; as hypocrisy is of religion; all the threes in the universe cannot make ten.
 -- Thomas Hall, The Fortunes and Adventures of Raby Rattler and His Man Floss
...even though that number was an odd number and by a quarter the number of his confiteors, even though four was an aliquant part of two thousand to hundred and nineteen, nothing being changed with regard to the masses...
 -- Raymond Queneau, The Blue Flowers
Aliquant stems from the Latin roots ali- meaning "differently" and quantus meaning "great."



- 托馬斯·霍爾芮捷銳磨耗和他的弗洛斯河的命運冒險

- 雷蒙德Queneau藍色的花


2012年7月6日 星期五

Tractate n. 一篇論文;散文。 A treatise; essay.

Word of the Day for Friday, July  6, 2012
tractate \TRAK-teyt\, noun:
A treatise; essay.
Divide up all the tractates and commit yourselves to learn them during the coming year.
 -- Yair Weinstock, Holiday Tales for the Soul
Jean-Pierre Mahé has rightly insisted that we should explore possible explanations other than mere haphazard collection, not only for the presence of the Hermetic tractates within Codex VI…
 -- Michael Allen Williams, Rethinking "Gnosticism"
Tractate comes from the Medieval Latin word tractātus meaning "a handling, treatment."
短文\ TRAK-teyt\,名詞


- 亞伊爾魏因斯托克靈魂的假日故事

讓 - 皮埃爾·馬埃正確地堅持,我們應該探索其他可能的解釋僅僅偶然的集合不僅食品法典委員會第六密封tractates存在...
- 邁克爾·艾倫·威廉姆斯反思“諾斯替主義


2012年7月4日 星期三

2012_07_04 Gallant a. 勇敢,活潑,高尚的,或俠義 Brave

Word of the Day for Wednesday, July  4, 2012
gallant \GAL-uhnt\, adjective:
1. Brave, spirited, noble-minded, or chivalrous: a gallant knight; a gallant rescue attempt.
2. Exceptionally polite and attentive to women; courtly.
3. Stately; grand: a gallant pageant.
1. A brave, noble-minded, or chivalrous man.
2. A man exceptionally attentive to women.
3. A stylish and dashing man.
He praised the owl's wisdom and his courage, his gallantry and his generosity; though every one knew that however wise old Master Owl might be, he was neither brave nor gallant.
 -- Frances Jenkins Olcott, Good Stories For Holidays
Oh, those were days of power, gallant days, bustling days, worth the bravest days of chivalry at least.
 -- George Borrow, Lavengro: The Scholar, The Gypsy, The Priest
Related to the word gala, gallant stems from the Old French word galer meaning "to amuse oneself, to make merry."
1。勇敢,活潑,高尚的,或俠義:一個勇敢的騎士,一個英勇的救援嘗試。2。格外禮貌和周到的婦女;宮廷。3。莊嚴宏偉:雄渾壯麗的場面。名詞:1。一位勇敢的,高尚的,或俠義的人。2。一個人格外重視婦女。3。一個時髦和瀟灑的男子。他讚揚了貓頭鷹的智慧和他的勇氣,他的英勇和他的慷慨,雖然每個人都知道,但聰明的老法師貓頭鷹可能是,他既不勇敢,也不英勇。  - 弗朗西斯·詹金斯Olcott,假日的好故事哦,這些天的權力,英勇天,熱鬧的日子,值得俠義勇敢天內至少。  - 喬治借用,Lavengro:學者,吉普賽人,牧師英勇的相關字晚會,源於“。玩耍,使快樂”來自古法語單詞galer意義

2012年7月3日 星期二

2012_07_03 Surfeit n./v. 過剩;過量:Excess or overindulgence in eating or drinking.

Word of the Day for Tuesday, July  3, 2012
surfeit \SUR-fit\, noun:
1. Excess; an excessive amount: a surfeit of speechmaking.
2. Excess or overindulgence in eating or drinking.
3. An uncomfortably full or crapulous feeling due to excessive eating or drinking.
4. General disgust caused by excess or satiety.
1. To bring to a state of surfeit by excess of food or drink.
2. To supply with anything to excess or satiety; satiate.

In both adults a surfeit of prudence and a surfeit of energy, and with the couple two boys still pretty much all soft surfaces, young children of youthful parents, keenly attractive and in good health and incorrigible only in their optimism.
 -- Philip Roth, The Plot Against America

She peered at the parents, imagining their hearts like machines, manufacturing surfeit upon surfeit of love for their children, and then wondered how something could be so awesome and so utterly powerless.
 -- Chris Adrian, The Great Night

Surfeit is a very old English word. It is recorded as early as 1393. It comes from the Latin roots sur- meaning "over" and facere meaning "to do."

在成人過多的謹慎和過多的能量,並與對夫婦生育兩個男孩仍然非常柔軟的表面,年幼的孩子,年輕的父母深切的吸引力和良好的健康和屢教不改的,只有在他們的樂觀。  - 菲利普·羅斯,反對美國陰謀

她凝視著父母,想像他們的心,像機器一樣,生產後,對孩子的愛過多過量,然後不知道如何能如此真棒等完全無能為力的東西。 克里斯 - 阿德里安,偉大的夜晚過量是一個非常古老的英文單詞。據記載,早在1393。談到“做”拉丁根河畔,意思是“超過”和facere意義

2012年7月2日 星期一

2012_07_02 Sumpsimus n.堅持使用完全正確的術語

Word of the Day for Monday, July  2, 2012
sumpsimus \SUHMP-suh-muhs\, noun:
1. Adherence to or persistence in using a strictly correct term, holding to a precise practice, etc., as a rejection of an erroneous but more common form (opposed to mumpsimus).
2. A person who is obstinate or zealous about such strict correctness (opposed to mumpsimus).
And now let all defenders of present institutions, however bad they may be — let all violent supporters of their old mumpsimus against any new sumpsimus whatever, listen to a conversation among some undergraduates.
 -- Frederic William Farrar , Julian Home
She is a master of sumpsimus, more anal in language usage than Doc in his rigid professionalism. She insists on saying It is I, or He gave the book to John and me.
 -- Ann Burrus, Astride the Pineapple Couch
Like its counterpart mumpsimus, sumpsimus comes from to a story about an illiterate priest. In this case, sumpsimus refers to the opposite practice as mumpsimus.

sumpsimus\ SUHMP SUH-MUHS的\,名詞:1。堅持使用一個完全正確的術語,拿著一個精確的做法,等了一個錯誤,但更常見的形式(反對以mumpsimus的)拒絕,持久性。2。誰是頑固性或對這種嚴格的正確性(反對mumpsimus的)熱心的人。現在就讓本機構所有的維護者,然而壞,他們可能是 - 讓所有的暴力他們老mumpsimus的支持者,反對任何新sumpsimus任何聽一些大學生之間的對話。  - 弗雷德里克·威廉·法勒,朱利安首頁她是一個主sumpsimus,在語言使用的肛門比在他的嚴格的專業DOC。她堅持說這是我的,他將書遞給我和約翰。  - 安比呂斯,橫跨菠蘿沙發像其對應mumpsimus,sumpsimus來從一個故事關於一個不識字的牧師。在這種情況下,sumpsimus是指到作為mumpsimus的相反的做法。

2012年7月1日 星期日

2012_07_01 Mumpsimus n. 固執 obstinacy

Word of the Day for Sunday, July  1, 2012
mumpsimus \MUHMP-suh-muhs\, noun:
1. Adherence to or persistence in an erroneous use of language, memorization, practice, belief, etc., out of habit or obstinacy.
2. A person who persists in a mistaken expression or practice.
"I profess, my good lady," replied I, "that had any one but you made such a declaration, I should have thought it as capricious as that of the clergyman, who, without vindicating his false reading, preferred, from habit's sake, his old Mumpsimus...
 -- Sir Walter Scott, The Talisman
Mr. Burgess, who sticks (I fancy) to his old mumpsimus, thought that the other gentleman might have given the canoe a shove to get it clear of the lock…
 -- Ronald A. Knox, The Footsteps at the Lock
Mumpsimus comes from a story (perhaps first told by Erasmus) about an illiterate priest who mispronounced a word while reciting the liturgy. The priest refused to change the word, even when he was corrected.


信奉我的夫人回答任何一個,但這樣的聲明應該想到牧師反复無常表白他的虛假讀數首選習慣緣故 他老人家Mumpsimus...
- 沃爾特·斯科特爵士護符

- 答:羅納德·諾克斯鎖定的腳步
