2012年7月8日 星期日

2012_07_08 Vamp v/n. 修補;維修。To patch up

Word of the Day for Sunday, July  8, 2012
vamp \vamp\, verb:
1. To patch up; repair.
2. To give (something) a new appearance by adding a patch or piece.
3. To concoct or invent (often followed by up): He vamped up a few ugly rumors to discredit his enemies.
4. To furnish with a vamp, especially to repair (a shoe or boot) with a new vamp.
1. The portion of a shoe or boot upper that covers the instep and toes.
2. Something patched up or pieced together.
...plod and plow, vamp your old coats and hats, weave a shoestring; great affairs and the best wine by and by.
 -- Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Illusions," Essays and Poems
To lay false claim to an invention or discovery which has an immediate market value; to vamp up a professedly new book of reference by stealing from the pages of one already produced at the cost of much labour and material…
 -- George Eliot, Impressions of Theophrastus Such
Vamp is a shortening of the Middle French word avant-pie literally meaning "fore-foot." This sense of the word is embedded in the more common word revamp.
鞋面\鞋面\,動詞:1。修補;維修。2。給(某物)通過添加補丁或一塊新的面貌。3。捏造或發明(通常達):,他vamped了一些醜陋的謠言,詆毀他的敵人。4。提供1鞋面,尤其是修復了一個新的鞋面(鞋或靴子)。名詞:1。部分,涵蓋了腳背和腳趾的鞋或靴子上。2。一些修補或拼湊起來的。......邁著和犁,鞋面舊的大衣和帽子,編織鞋帶;偉大的事務,和最好的葡萄酒。  - 愛默生,“幻影”,散文和詩歌奠定虛報發明或發現其中有一個直接的市場價值;鞋面自稱新書的參考,從大量的勞動力和原材料成本已經產生了一個網頁竊取...  - 喬治·艾略特,對的泰奧弗拉斯這樣的印象鞋面是縮短了中東的法語單詞字面意思前衛餡餅“脫穎而出的腳。”這種意義上的字是嵌入在較常見的字改革。

