2012年7月4日 星期三

2012_07_04 Gallant a. 勇敢,活潑,高尚的,或俠義 Brave

Word of the Day for Wednesday, July  4, 2012
gallant \GAL-uhnt\, adjective:
1. Brave, spirited, noble-minded, or chivalrous: a gallant knight; a gallant rescue attempt.
2. Exceptionally polite and attentive to women; courtly.
3. Stately; grand: a gallant pageant.
1. A brave, noble-minded, or chivalrous man.
2. A man exceptionally attentive to women.
3. A stylish and dashing man.
He praised the owl's wisdom and his courage, his gallantry and his generosity; though every one knew that however wise old Master Owl might be, he was neither brave nor gallant.
 -- Frances Jenkins Olcott, Good Stories For Holidays
Oh, those were days of power, gallant days, bustling days, worth the bravest days of chivalry at least.
 -- George Borrow, Lavengro: The Scholar, The Gypsy, The Priest
Related to the word gala, gallant stems from the Old French word galer meaning "to amuse oneself, to make merry."
1。勇敢,活潑,高尚的,或俠義:一個勇敢的騎士,一個英勇的救援嘗試。2。格外禮貌和周到的婦女;宮廷。3。莊嚴宏偉:雄渾壯麗的場面。名詞:1。一位勇敢的,高尚的,或俠義的人。2。一個人格外重視婦女。3。一個時髦和瀟灑的男子。他讚揚了貓頭鷹的智慧和他的勇氣,他的英勇和他的慷慨,雖然每個人都知道,但聰明的老法師貓頭鷹可能是,他既不勇敢,也不英勇。  - 弗朗西斯·詹金斯Olcott,假日的好故事哦,這些天的權力,英勇天,熱鬧的日子,值得俠義勇敢天內至少。  - 喬治借用,Lavengro:學者,吉普賽人,牧師英勇的相關字晚會,源於“。玩耍,使快樂”來自古法語單詞galer意義

