2012年3月5日 星期一

2012_03_05 Profluent a. 大量來回流動 Flowing smoothly

Word of the Day for Monday, March  5, 2012
profluent \PROF-loo-uhnt\, adjective:
Flowing smoothly or abundantly forth.
Half the congregation — Gwen's family and friends — reached the door ahead of me, their nonchalance more powerful, more profluent than my most intense desire. I could only crawl toward the chapel doors.
 -- Stephanie Grant, The Passion of Alice
In southern Arizona, it rains in summer, and I'm impatient for the monsoon torrents of August, for an indulgence of water, a baptism that will roister over rocks and swell profluent down the mountainside, roll through the rubble of the canyon floor...
 -- Caitlin L. Gannon, Southwestern Women: New Voices
Profluent is derived from the Latin word prōfluere, which meant "to flow forth."


一半 - Gwen的家人和朋友 - 走到門口我前面的他們冷淡更強大,更profluent強烈的願望我只能爬行教堂大門
- 斯蒂芬妮·格蘭特,愛麗絲激情

在亞利桑那州南部下雨的夏天不耐煩八月季風種子放縱喝酒喧囂的洗禮,將在岩石和膨脹profluent沿著山腰通過峽谷瓦礫 ..
- 凱特琳L.甘農西南婦女新聲


