2012年3月26日 星期一

2012_03_26 Catechize v. 追問。To question closely.

Word of the Day for Monday, March 26, 2012
catechize \KAT-i-kahyz\, verb:
1. To question closely.
2. To instruct orally by means of questions and answers, especially in Christian doctrine.
3. To question with reference to belief.
He sent her off when the dial made it five o'clock every fourth Sunday—for we had service only once a month, the parson having a church at Brampton, where he lived, and another as well, which made it the more wicked of us to play truant—but whether she got there early or late, or got there at all, he'd never ask, let alone catechize her about the sermon.
 -- Mary Webb, Precious Bane
Aunt Bessie tried to catechize her about Erik's disappearance, and it was Kennicott who silenced the woman…
 -- Sinclair Lewis, Main Street
Catechize stems from the Greek word katēchízein meaning "to teach orally." It was first used in the sense of "to question" by Shakespeare in Othello.

邂逅; Encounter; 遭遇

- 瑪麗·韋布,珍貴的詛咒

貝西姨媽試圖,catechize Erik的失踪她,這是的肯尼科特誰沉默女人......
- 辛克萊·劉易斯,大街


