2012年3月24日 星期六

2012_03_24 Adroit adj. 巧妙嫻熟,機智,或巧妙 Cleverly skillful, resourceful, or ingenious.

Word of the Day for Saturday, March 24, 2012
adroit \uh-DROIT\, adjective:
1. Cleverly skillful, resourceful, or ingenious.
2. Expert or nimble in the use of the hands or body.
He knows that Jory is handsome, talented, and most of all, adroit. Bart is not adroit at anything but pretending.
 -- V.C. Andrews, If There Be Thorns
It requires finesse. She was very adroit — oh, very adroit — but Hercule Poirot, my good George, is of a cleverness quite exceptional.
 -- Agatha Christie, The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding
Adroit is from the Old French meaning "elegant, skillful" from the roots a- meaning "increase" and droit meaning "correct."
熟練\ UH-DROIT\,形容詞


- V.C.安德魯斯如果荊棘

需要技巧。她很熟練 - 非常熟練的 - 但是我的好喬治赫爾克里·波洛一個十分特殊的聰明
- 阿加莎·克里斯蒂聖誕布丁歷險


