2012年3月14日 星期三

2012_03_14 dowager n. 皇太后 one of elevated social position

Word of the Day for Wednesday, March 14, 2012
dowager \DOU-uh-jer\, noun:
1. An elderly woman of stately dignity, especially one of elevated social position.
2. A woman who holds some title or property from her deceased husband, especially the widow of a king, duke, etc.
1. Noting, pertaining to, or characteristic of a dowager:
Deeda Blair rhapsodized about the exquisite atmosphere of La Grenouille and La Caravelle, two of the leading temples of fine French cuisine, where she’d lunch with the dowager philanthropist Mary Lasker or the ubiquitous Nan Kempner in the early 1960s, when her husband, William McCormick Blair Jr., was J.F.K.’s ambassador to Denmark and they’d stop in New York on their way home to Washington.
 -- Bob Colacello, "Here's to the Ladies Who Lunched!," Vanity Fair, Feb. 2012
She trusted the dowager, and respected her deeply. But that wasn't the issue. Which world was she living in? For the time being, that was the point.
 -- Haruki Murakami, 1Q84
Dowager stems from the Latin word dotare meaning "to endow." In the middle French, it came to mean "pertaining to a dower," or the gift/payment that a wife's family gives her husband when they are married.


布萊爾rhapsodized deeda精緻的La Grenouille香格里拉帆船兩個精緻的法國美食,遺孀慈善家瑪麗·拉斯克無處不在肯普納午飯20世紀60年代初的領導寺廟氣氛時,丈夫,威廉麥考密克布萊爾肯尼迪丹麥大使,他們會停止紐約華盛頓在回家的路上
鮑勃 - Colacello這裡是女士們共進午餐!”名利場“2012年2月

- 村上春樹1Q84


