2012年3月11日 星期日

2012_03_11 antipode 對極 noun A direct or exact opposite.直接或正好相反。

Word of the Day for Sunday, March 11, 2012
antipode \AN-ti-pohd\, noun:
A direct or exact opposite.
It seemed that this enthusiast was just as cautious, just as much alive to judgments in other minds as if he had been that antipode of all enthusiasm called "a man of the world."
 -- George Eliot, Daniel Deronda
I look for the furthest spot on earth away from Lancaster — Lancaster's antipode— the middle of the Indian Ocean.
 -- Douglas Coupland, Shampoo Planet
Here we are, thrust to the opposite and absurd antipode of what we think is good. And tomorrow we'll be out of bed at three o'clock in the pitch-black morning.
 -- Tim O'Brien, If I Die in a Combat Zone, Box Me Up and Ship Me Home
Antipode is actually a clipping, or back-formation, of the word Greek word antipodes. It lost its s in the mid-1500s. The original word literally meant "opposite feet," as in "the place on the exact opposite point on the globe."


- 喬治·艾略特丹尼爾Deronda

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- 道格拉斯Coupland洗髮水行星

- 蒂姆·奧布萊恩,如果我死戰鬥給我,船上將我首頁


