2012年4月5日 星期四

2012_04_05 Ephebe n. 一個年輕男子; A young man.

Word of the Day for Thursday, April  5, 2012
ephebe \ih-FEEB\, noun:
A young man.
His glance touched their faces lightly as he smiled, a blond ephebe.
 -- James Joyce, Ulysses
The three Florentine Davids, those of Donatello, Verrocchio, and Michelangelo, represent the changes in the ideal of male beauty and the model of an ephebe. They are ever smaller, more strained, girlish.
 -- Jan Kott, Shakespeare Our Contemporary
The summer before his senior year of college, in 1997, he worked as an intern at The Paris Review. James Linville, who was then the magazine’s editor, recalled Rowan as an “ephebe type, almost Truman Capote-like.”
 -- Lizzie Widdicombe, “The Plagiarist’s Tale,” The New Yorker, Feb. 13, 2012
Ephebe stems from the Greek word for a young man just entering manhood and commencing training for full Athenian citizenship. It comes from the roots ep- meaning "near" and hḗbē meaning "manhood."

- 詹姆斯·喬伊斯“尤利西斯”

- 1Kott莎士比亞我們當代

- 麗茲Widdicombe剽竊者故事”,紐約2月13日2012年

ephebe源於希臘字一個年輕人剛剛進入成年開始雅典公民訓練 男子漢”EP-意思是“和Hebe意義

