2012年4月25日 星期三

2012_04_25 Barnburner n. 令人印象深刻的, Something that is highly exciting or impressive。

Word of the Day for Wednesday, April 25, 2012
barnburner \BAHRN-bur-ner\, noun:
1. Something that is highly exciting or impressive.
2. Chiefly Pennsylvania. A wooden friction match.
3. (Initial capital letter) A member of the progressive faction in the Democratic party in New York State 1845–52.
“So, ready for the elder's meeting tonight?” Olan said, pouring himself some coffee. “Should be a barnburner from what I hear.”
 -- Jonathan Weyer, The Faithful
"A real barnburner — look, you got me sweating buckets." Jason's sitting on the curb with his teammates.
 -- Craig Davidson, Rust and Bone
Barnburner is an Americanism that was first observed in the 1830s. It referred to the practice of burning down a barn to get rid of rats.
3。 (初始大写字母)的成员在1845年至1852年纽约州的民主党进步派。

所以,老今晚的会议做好准备吗?”Olan说,浇自己的一些咖啡。 应该是从我听到的barnburner。
- 乔纳森·韦耶,忠实

一个真正的barnburner - 看,你让我出汗桶。贾森坐在路边上,与他的队友。
- 克雷格·戴维森,锈病和骨


