2012年4月17日 星期二

2012_04_17 Xenophilia n. 吸引外國民族,文化,或海關

Word of the Day for Tuesday, April 17, 2012
xenophilia \zen-uh-FIL-ee-uh\, noun:
An attraction to foreign peoples, cultures, or customs.
Yet the scenario of openhanded host and guest, of xenophilia, is played out time and time again in Homer's Odyssey. It mattered to those hill-bound and sea-scattered tribes that the wanderer be made welcome…
 -- Nicholas Delbanco, The Lost Suitcase
This connectedness — so evident to the drama's spectator, so indiscernible to the dramatized participant — promotes what we might call xenophilia.
 -- Susan Gubar, Critical Condition
The opposite of xenophobia, xenophilia has the same Greek roots. It literally means "attracted to strangers." It first appeared in English in the 1920s and was used heavily after the Second World War.

- 尼古拉斯·德爾班科失落旅行箱

這種連通性 - 如此明顯,以戲劇觀眾,所以無形戲劇化的參與者 - 促進我們可能崇洋媚外
- 蘇珊Gubar情況危殆


