2012年5月31日 星期四

2012_05_31 Haimish adj.溫馨的家庭;舒適Homey; cozy and unpretentious.

Word of the Day for Thursday, May 31, 2012
haimish \HEY-mish\, adjective:
Homey; cozy and unpretentious.
Now separated from Gisela Liner's home cooking and haimish evenings playing living-room soccer with Kisch, Billie consoled himself by going to the finest spots in Berlin.
 -- Ed Sikov, On Sunset Boulevard: The Life and Times of Billy Wilder
By late afternoon the house looked at least haimish, with the season's last roses cut and opening in jelly jars.
 -- Sally Koslow, With Friends Like These
There were other homey touches: a mizrakh plaque on the eastern wall, a silver menorah and a sewing kit containing a color wheel of spools on the sideboard—all made the more haimish by the savory aromas wafting in through the kitchen door.
 -- Steve Stern, The Frozen Rabbi
Haimish stems from the Yiddish word of the same spelling, which comes from the German word heimisc that literally means "pertaining to the home."
吉塞拉班輪的家常菜,現在分開客廳與基施打足球haimish晚上,比利安慰自己要在柏林最好的景點。  - 埃德Sikov,在日落大道:比利·懷爾德的生活和時代到下午晚些時候的房子看著在至少haimish,本賽季的最後的玫瑰切開放和果凍罐子。  - 莎莉Koslow,有這樣的朋友有其他家一樣的觸動:上東牆,銀燭台和一個針線包,包含一個線軸色輪上的mizrakh牌匾側板香香通過廚房門裡飄出的香味更haimish。  - 史蒂夫·斯特恩,冷凍拉比haimish源於“。有關家庭”意第緒語單詞的拼寫相同,它的字面意思是從德國詞heimisc

2012年5月30日 星期三

Word of the Day for Wednesday, May 30, 2012
skirr \skur\, verb:
1. To go rapidly; fly; scurry.
2. To go rapidly over.
1. A grating or whirring sound.
Looking up, he perceived, to his horror, the figure of a man which seemed to skirr along the surface of the water...
 -- Ambrose Marten, The Stanley Tales
If they'll do neither, we will come to them, and make them skirr away as swift as stones enforced from the old Assyrian slings.
 -- William Shakespeare, Henry V
Skirr is related to the word scour, which comes from the Old Norse word skur meaning "shower."



- ,劉漢銓赤柱故事

- 威廉·莎士比亞,亨利五世


2012年5月29日 星期二

2012_05_29 Varlet noun話務員或僕人 An attendant or servant

Word of the Day for Tuesday, May 29, 2012
varlet \VAHR-lit\, noun:
1. A knavish person; rascal.
2. A. An attendant or servant. B. A page who serves a knight.
Is he not a lying, stinking, contemptible varlet?
 -- Jude Morgan, Indiscretion
 A varlet scrambled forward at once and attempted to wrestle our luggage away from me.
 -- Eric Kraft, On the Wing
Varlet is a variation on the French word valet.
2。話務員僕人 B.一個人,騎士

- 裘德摩根越軌

- 埃里克卡夫,機翼上


2012年5月27日 星期日

2012_05_27 Ventose adj. 給空談;大風。Given to empty talk; windy.

Word of the Day for Sunday, May 27, 2012
ventose \VEN-tohs\, adjective:
Given to empty talk; windy.
Anyhow, it is better to wind up that way than to go growling out one's existence as a ventose hypochondriac.
 -- Thomas Henry Huxley, Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
The ventose orator was confounded, and put himself and his glass down together.
 -- L. J. Bigelow, Bench and Bar
First used in English in the 1700s, ventose is derived from the Latin word for wind, "vent."

- 托馬斯·亨利·赫胥黎生活和托馬斯·亨利·赫胥黎

- L. J.比奇洛長凳和酒吧


2012年5月26日 星期六

2012_05_26 Betide v 發生;應驗。;To happen; come to pass.

Word of the Day for Saturday, May 26, 2012
betide \bih-TAHYD\, verb:
1. To happen to; come to; befall.
2. To happen; come to pass.
"Ill luck betide thee, poor damsel," said Sancho, "ill luck betide thee!"
 -- Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote
"The girls' skirts are measured each week with a dressmaker's rule," she would say, "to see that they conform to the length prescribed. Woe betide any girl whose skirt does not."
 -- Hilary Mantel, An Experiment in Love
Betide stems from the Old English word tide meaning "something that happened." As in besot and belabor, the prefix be- turns the noun into a verb.


- 塞萬提斯“堂吉訶德”

- 希拉里·曼特爾在愛實驗


2012年5月25日 星期五

2012_05_12 Ingeminate v. 重複; 重申 To repeat; reiterate.

Word of the Day for Friday, May 25, 2012
ingeminate \in-JEM-uh-neyt\, verb:
To repeat; reiterate.
Sitting among his friends, often, after a deep silence and frequent sighs, he would with a shrill and sad accent ingeminate the word Peace, Peace...
 -- Christopher Ricks, Essays in Appreciation
Mr. Dott's spirits were a little dashed, especially as Niven with a fateful countenance continued to ingeminate the word “Hungrygrain.”
 -- Arthur Train, Tutt and Mr. Tutt
Ingeminate comes from the Latin word ingemināre which meant "to repeat or redouble."

- 克里斯托弗·里克斯在欣賞散文

- 阿瑟列車TUTT先生TUTT


2012年5月24日 星期四

2012_05_24 Demiurge n.造物主 magistrate

Word of the Day for Thursday, May 24, 2012
demiurge \DEM-ee-urj\, noun:
1. Philosophy. A. Platonism. The artificer of the world. B. (In the Gnostic and certain other systems) a supernatural being imagined as creating or fashioning the world in subordination to the Supreme Being, and sometimes regarded as the originator of evil.
2. (In many states of ancient Greece) a public official or magistrate.
Larger than a character, the river is a manifest presence, a demiurge to support the man and the boy, a deity to betray them, feed them, all but drown them, fling them apart, float them back together.
 -- Norman Mailer, The Spooky Art
The gnostics think this world was created by a bad god—a demiurge—who wandered too far from the True God and somehow got perverted.
 -- Derek Swannson, Crash Gordon and the Mysteries of Kingsburg
Demiurge meant "a worker for the people" in Ancient Greek, from the roots dḗmio- meaning "of the people" and -ergos, "a worker."

造物主\ DEM的EE-urj\,名詞

1。哲學。 A.柏拉圖世界設計者 B.諾斯底和某些其他系統一種超自然的想像創造塑造隸屬世界最高的存在,有時邪惡鼻祖

- 諾曼·梅勒鬼的藝術

- 德里克Swannson,崩潰戈登和金斯堡的奧秘


2012年5月23日 星期三

2012_05_23 Chrestomathy n. 讀本 A collection of selected literary passages.

Word of the Day for Wednesday, May 23, 2012
chrestomathy \kres-TOM-uh-thee\, noun:
A collection of selected literary passages.
I had learned to read Sanscrit and to translate easy passages in the chrestomathy, and devoted myself with special zeal to the study of the Latin grammar and prosody.
 -- Georg Ebers, The Story of My Life from Childhood to Manhood
This little chrestomathy preserves almost the only words of Atticus to have survived from antiquity.
 -- Peter White, Cicero in Letters
Chrestomathy literally means "useful to learn" in Greek, from the roots chres- meaning "to use" and math- meaning "to learn."
讀本\ kres-TOM-UH-\,名詞


- 格奧爾格·埃伯斯我的生活故事童年到成年

- 彼得·懷特,西塞羅在信件


2012年5月22日 星期二

2012_05_22 Cumulus n. 堆;樁。A heap; pile.

Word of the Day for Tuesday, May 22, 2012
cumulus \KYOO-myuh-luhs\, noun:
1. A heap; pile.
2. A cloud of a class characterized by dense individual elements in the form of puffs, mounds, or towers, with flat bases and tops that often resemble cauliflower.
He was organizing the year's remnants. He was logging and archiving and filing it all. The whole swollen yearlong cumulus.
 -- Dana Spiotta, Stone Arabia
"So where is it at, Minogue," asks the palatal man, aloft in a cumulus of webs and dust and creak.
 -- David Foster Wallace, Girl with Curious Hair
Cumulus stems from the Neo-Latin word meaning "heap, pile." It was first used to describe clouds in the early 1800s.


- 達納Spiotta阿拉伯

- 大衛·福斯特·華萊士好奇的頭髮女孩


2012年5月21日 星期一

2012_05_21 Belabor v. 要堅持攻擊, 勞動。work more than is necessary

Word of the Day for Monday, May 21, 2012
belabor \bih-LEY-ber\, verb:
1. To explain, worry about, or work more than is necessary.
2. To assail persistently, as with scorn or ridicule.
3. To beat vigorously; ply with heavy blows.
4. Obsolete. To labor at.
Yours and everybody else's, thought Swiffers, but he didn't wish to belabor the obvious.
 -- Tom Robbins, Fierce Invalids Home From Hot Climates
It is distasteful to the present writer to belabor any of his fellow writers, living or dead, and, except Boccaccio, who also stood for a detestable human trait, he has here avoided doing so.
 -- Ford Madox Ford, The March of Literature
Neither of them possessed energy or wit to belabor me soundly; but they insulted me as coarsely as they could in their little way.
 -- Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre


- 湯姆·羅賓斯炎熱的氣候榮軍首頁

- 福特馬多克斯福特文學三月

- 夏洛蒂·勃朗特“簡愛”

2012年5月20日 星期日

2012_05_20 Gambit n. 備註打開或重定向對話 Any maneuver by which one seeks to gain an advantage.

Word of the Day for Sunday, May 20, 2012
gambit \GAM-bit\, noun:
1. A remark made to open or redirect a conversation.
2. Chess. An opening in which a player seeks to obtain some advantage by sacrificing a pawn or piece.
3. Any maneuver by which one seeks to gain an advantage.
The leader was eyeing him up and down, shrewdly calculating. "Thirsty as all that, are you, my friend?" he asked. Gratefully Bomilcar seized upon the gambit. “Thirsty enough to buy everyone here a drink,” he said.
 -- Colleen McCullough, The First Man in Rome
But in other cases the gambit may be a dependent clause introducing or rounding off some larger unit whose illocutionary force it helps to establish.
 -- Thierry Fontenelle, Practical Lexicography: A Reader
Gambit is primarily a term used in chess. It came from the Italian idiom gambetto meaning "to trip up."



領導盯上了下來,精明計算 渴了這一切是你朋友他問感激Bomilcar開局抓住 渴了夠買這裡的每個人喝一杯”他說。
- 科琳麥卡洛在羅馬第一人

- 亨利實用辭書豐特奈爾一位讀者


2012年5月19日 星期六

2012_05_19 Phatic adj. 應酬 Denoting speech used to create an atmosphere of goodwill.

Word of the Day for Saturday, May 19, 2012
phatic \FAT-ik\, adjective:
Denoting speech used to create an atmosphere of goodwill.
We conduct phatic discourse indispensable to maintaining a constant connection among speakers; but phatic speech is indispensable precisely because it keeps the possibility of communication in working order, for the purpose of other and more substantial communications.
 -- Umberto Eco, Travels in Hyperreality
They're just filling the air with noise. This is what's called phatic speech. "How are you?" they might ask.
 -- Adriana Lopez, Fifteen Candles
Coined by the anthropologist Bronisław Malinowski, phatic was first used in 1923. It probably comes from the Greek word phatos meaning "spoken."
應酬\ FAT-IK\形容詞


- 艾柯遊記中的超現實

他們只是填充空氣噪音是所謂應酬講話 你怎麼樣?他們可能會問
- 阿德里安娜·洛佩茲,十五蠟燭


2012年5月18日 星期五

2012_05_18 Pip v. 窺視或者啁啾 To peep or chirp.

Word of the Day for Friday, May 18, 2012
pip \pip\, verb:
1. To peep or chirp.
2. (Of a young bird) to break out from the shell.
3. To crack or chip a hole through (the shell), as a young bird.
Stone's watch pipped eight o'clock. He had curly hair the color of motor oil, and pale green eyes.
 -- Jonathan Franzen, The Twenty-Seventh City
As Fiona's horn pipped, just beyond the cab's black fender.
 -- William Gibson, Zero History
Pip is a variation on the word peep which arose in the 1600s. It comes from the Lithuanian word pỹpti which was originally imitative of a baby bird.
PIP\ PIP\,動詞

2。 一個年輕的打破

- 喬納森·弗蘭岑第二十七屆

- 威廉·吉布森的歷史


2012年5月17日 星期四

2012_05_17 Omphalos n. 中央點 The central point.

Word of the Day for Thursday, May 17, 2012
omphalos \OM-fuh-luhs\, noun:
1. The central point.
2. The navel; umbilicus.
3. Greek Antiquity. A stone in the temple of Apollo at Delphi, thought to mark the center of the earth.
To that incurable romantic the Trenton hovel was omphalos, the hub of existence, the center of mass.
 -- Ellen Queen, Halfway House
Yes; but if not of the earth, for earth's tenant Jerusalem was the omphalos of mortality.
 -- Thomas De Quincey, Suspiria de Profundies
From Greek, omphalos did not enter English until the 1850s when Thomas De Quincey used it in his work Suspiria de Profundis. It literally meant "navel."
浮飾\ OMLUHS\,名詞


- 愛倫皇后,中途之家

- 托馬斯德昆西SuspiriaProfundies


2012年5月16日 星期三

2012_05_16 Spruik v. spiel. 高談闊論

Word of the Day for Wednesday, May 16, 2012
spruik \sprook\, verb:
To make or give a speech, especially extensively; spiel.
He started to spruik again, but I managed to get in first.
 -- C.E. Murphy, Raven Calls
Cain and Leek spruik their foul and immoral stories by the fire at night and the rest of the men grow excited and the mood of the camp becomes restless.
 -- Tim Winton, Shallows
Don't go into your spruik for me. I don't care what words you call it.
 -- A. E. Martin, The Outsiders
Spruik is Australian slang that arose in the early 1900s. It is of unknown origin.


- C.E.墨菲烏鴉叫聲

蒂姆 - 通泰淺灘

- A·馬丁,局外人


2012年5月14日 星期一

2012_05_14 Intromit v. 引進;送;To introduce; to send, put, or let in.

Word of the Day for Monday, May 14, 2012
intromit \in-truh-MIT\, verb:
To introduce; to send, put, or let in.
Mrs. Tappitt had frequently offered to intromit the ceremony when calling upon his generosity for other purposes, but the September gift had always been forthcoming.
 -- Anthony Trollope,  Rachel Ray
But in this I found a great difficulty, arising from the policy and conduct of Mr. Andrew McLucre, who had a sort of investment, as may be said, of the office of dean of guild, having for many years been allowed to intromit and manage the same.
 -- John Galt, Annals of the Parish
Intromit comes from the Latin roots intro- meaning "inwardly" and mittere meaning "to send."


- 特羅洛普瑞秋雷

- 約翰·高爾特教區紀事


2012年5月13日 星期日

2012_05_13 Matrilineal adj. 母系 Inheriting or determining descent through the female line.

Word of the Day for Sunday, May 13, 2012
matrilineal \ma-truh-LIN-ee-uhl\, adjective:
Inheriting or determining descent through the female line.
In a matrilineal society, in a matriarchy, and especially in this particular matriarchy, the women, as I've already said, control the houses, the lineage of the children, and a lot of decisions about marriage and so forth.
 -- Patrice E. M. Hollrah, The Old Lady Trill, the Victory Yell
Several of the women I talked to had decided to challenge the influence of the matrilineal clan and to bequeath part of their land to their sons. The ways they had chosen in this regard were however quite different.
 -- Birgit Englert and Elizabeth Daley, Women's Land Rights & Privatization in Eastern Africa
Matrilineal was first used in the early 1900s by anthropologists. It derives from the Late Latin roots matri- meaning "mother" and lineal meaning "line."


- 帕特里斯EM Hollrah老太太顫音勝利叫喊

- 比吉特恩格勒特伊麗莎白·戴利婦女的土地權非洲東部民營化


2012年5月12日 星期六

2012_05_12 Proroque v. To defer; postpone.推遲,停止的會話。

Word of the Day for Saturday, May 12, 2012
prorogue \proh-ROHG\, verb:
1. To defer; postpone.
2. To discontinue a session of (the British Parliament or a similar body).
It was enough to make him rise from his Governor's throne and tell them, in English instead of Latin just so the fools and dunderheads understood, that he was planning to prorogue Parliament within a week.
 -- Julian Barnes, England, England
What I do hear is that Catulus—he's much better, so they say, he'll be back making a nuisance of himself in Senate and Comitia shortly—is organizing a campaign to prorogue all the current governors next year, leaving this year's praetors with no provinces at all.
 -- Colleen McCullough, Caesar's Women
Prorogue is derived from the Latin word prōrogāre from the roots pro- meaning "advancing towards" and rogāre meaning "to ask."

- 朱利安·巴恩斯英格蘭,英格蘭

- 科琳麥卡洛凱撒的婦女


2012年5月11日 星期五

2012_05_09 Cicatrix n. 新的組織, New tissue that forms over a wound.

Word of the Day for Wednesday, May  9, 2012
cicatrix \SIK-uh-triks\, noun:
1. New tissue that forms over a wound.
2. Botany. A scar left by a fallen leaf, seed, etc.
A new relationship can develop. But the cicatrix of the old one remains. And nothing grows on a cicatrix. Nothing grows through it.
 -- Elizabeth George, Playing for the Ashes
He discriminates also very properly between the cicatrix, which is produced by the healing of wounds which have penetrated the cutis, and those in which the surface only is affected.
 -- James Moore, "Differtation on Healing of Wounds," The Analytical Review, Volume 5
Cicatrix is derived from the Latin word cicatrix meaning "scar." The Latin word has no clear origin.


- 伊麗莎白·喬治演奏灰燼

- 詹姆斯·穆爾傷口癒合Differtation評析第5卷


2012_05_10 Obtest v. To protest, beseech 以示抗議, 懇求。

Word of the Day for Thursday, May 10, 2012
obtest \ob-TEST\, verb:
1. To supplicate earnestly; beseech.
2. To invoke as witness.
3. To protest.
4. To make supplication; beseech.
I constrain, adjure, obtest and strongly command you.
 -- Sir Walter Scott, Guy Mannering
And whosoever she be, even with the form of words which to miserable wretches is granted most exaudible, I pray, and do with those prayers most heartily obtest, which are in the ears of the hearers of them most effectual, that she may never taste of such bitter miseries.
 -- Giovanni Boccaccio, Amorous Fiametta
Obtest comes from the Latin roots ob-, a prefix meaning "toward", and the root test, meaning "witness."

- 沃爾特·斯科特爵士蓋伊Mannering

- 喬萬尼薄伽丘Fiametta風情


2010_05_11 Sibilant adj. Hissing; 嘶嘶聲。

Word of the Day for Friday, May 11, 2012
sibilant \SIB-uh-luhnt\, adjective:
1. Hissing.
2. Phonetics. Characterized by a hissing sound; noting sounds like those spelled with s in this.
1. Phonetics. A sibilant consonant.
This is the way the presence of a ghost was detected: Some sound would be heard, such as a sibilant noise, a soft whistle, or something like murmurs, or some sensation in a part of the body might be felt.
 -- George H. Ellis, Legends of Gods and Ghosts: Hawaiian Mythology
He just drank his coffee, making a little sibilant sound, and watched the earth mover lumber back and forth, back and forth, its shovel going up and down and over and up and down and over again.
 -- Anna Quindlen, Object Lessons
The wind in the patch of pine woods off there—how sibilant.
 -- Walt Whitman, Prose Works 1892: Specimen Days
Sibilant stems from the Latin word sībilant- which meant "whistling or hissing." It is assumed to imitative of the sound itself.



- 喬治·H.埃利斯鬼神傳說夏威夷神話

- 安娜昆德倫對象的經驗教訓

- 沃爾特·惠特曼散文創作1892年標本


2012年5月8日 星期二

2012_05_08 Pother n. debate辩论 bother打扰

Word of the Day for Tuesday, May  8, 2012
pother \POTH-er\, noun:
1. A heated discussion, debate, or argument; fuss; to-do.
2. Commotion; uproar.
3. A choking or suffocating cloud, as of smoke or dust.
1. To worry; bother.
"An' why all the pother?" Mrs. Rickards emitted a series of sniffs and returned his scowl with a frosty glare.
 -- Colin Arthur Roderick, The Lady and the Lawyer
I don't know what's so extraordinary about it, or why there should be such a pother.
 -- William Dean Howells, Novels 1886-1888, Volume 2
Pother is of unknown origin. It is not related to the word bother which did not enter English until the 1700s and is related to the word both.


- 科林·阿瑟·罗德里克夫人律师

- 威廉·迪安·豪厄尔斯小说1886年至1888年第2卷


2012年5月7日 星期一

2012_05_07 Sudorific adj. Causing sweat. 发汗

Word of the Day for Monday, May  7, 2012
sudorific \soo-duh-RIF-ik\, adjective:
1. Causing sweat.
2. Sudoriparous.
1. A sudorific agent.
Having thrown him into a cold sweat by his spiritual sudorific, he attacks him with his material remedies, which are often quite as unpalatable.
 -- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Medical Essays, 1842-1882
Wracked by such sudorific thoughts, he tossed noisily about, maddened, aching.
 -- Angela Huth, South of the Lights
Every sudorific hitherto employed had failed to produce this result upon a skin which horrible diseases had left impervious.
 -- Honoré de Balzac, Cousin Pons
Sudorific comes from the Latin word sūdor meaning "sweat." The word "sweat" is unrelated and comes from the Old English, swote.

2。 sudoriparous


- 奥利弗·温德尔·霍姆斯医疗散文1842年至1882年

- 安吉拉·胡特,南一盏灯

- 巴尔扎克表哥庞斯


2012年5月6日 星期日

2012_05_06 Mensch n. responsible person.负责任的人。

Word of the Day for Sunday, May  6, 2012
mensch \mench\, noun:
A decent, upright, mature, and responsible person.
It's easy to be a mensch, his dad says. You honor your father and mother. You stay married, you set your kids a good example, you don't lie or cheat or steal. And every once in a while, Cookie, you gotta pick up the check, his father says, then winks.
 -- Jane VanDenburgh, Physics of Sunset
A mensch is not usually interested in fame. You are liable to meet a mensch in almost any situation.
 -- Ira Wood, The Kitchen Man
Mensch entered English from Yiddish in the 1950s. In Yiddish, it meant "man, human being" and had the positive associations that carried into English. It is related to the German word mensch.

- VanDenburgh日落物理

- 伊拉木,厨房的人


2012年5月5日 星期六

2012_05_05 Besot n. 到着迷;缠住。

Word of the Day for Saturday, May  5, 2012
besot \bih-SOT\, verb:
1. To infatuate; obsess.
2. To intoxicate or stupefy with drink.
3. To make stupid or foolish: a mind besotted with fear and superstition.
We mustn't besot ourselves with big words like independence and sovereignty. We must begin with small concrete tasks.
 -- Piotr Rawicz and Peter Wiles, Blood from the Sky
He tried to appear as besot with her as he was with her father's power and money.
 -- Judith Pella and Tracie Peterson, A Hope Beyond
The prefix be was used in Middle English to denote verbs, as in the contemporary words become and befriend. The word sot referred to an alcoholic.

- 彼得·Rawicz彼得·怀尔斯天空

- 朱迪思·佩拉Tracie彼得森超越希望


2012年5月4日 星期五

20_05_04 Fulcrum n. a hinge or support 支持,或休息点

Word of the Day for Friday, May  4, 2012
fulcrum \FOOL-kruhm\, noun:
1. The support, or point of rest, on which a lever turns.
2. Any prop or support.
3. Zoology. Any of various structures in an animal serving as a hinge or support.
1. To fit with a fulcrum; put a fulcrum on.
An equal partnership is like a see-saw that sits on a fulcrum. There is a balance of power when one partner gives in and then the other does likewise.
 -- Shirley Gunstream Poland, Hearing the Silent Cries
A storm of plans, each one trying to make me into a fulcrum.
 -- Steven Erikson, Memories of Ice
Fulcrum originally referred to a bed post from the Latin word fulcire meaning "to prop up."



- 雪莉Gunstream波兰,听无声呼喊

- 史蒂文·埃里克森记忆


2012年5月3日 星期四

2012_05_03 Numen n. Divine power 神圣的权力

Word of the Day for Thursday, May  3, 2012
numen \NOO-min\, noun:
Divine power, especially one who inhabits a particular object.
This “liquid” flowing up his arm and out of the other was numen, the divine substance, the sacred spirit that lives in a certain place in the body and sustains us all.
 -- Jonathan Carroll, White Apples
He was now fairly confident that a shrine, unlike a temple, would contain no resident numen.
 -- Dave Duncan, Present Tense (Round Two of the Great Game)
Numen is derived from the Latin word nūmen meaning "a nod, command, or divine will or power."

- 乔纳森·卡罗尔苹果

- 戴夫·邓肯,现在时大博弈回合


2012_05_03 Sub-domain 子域

I donated my time and effort to create and maintain the OAA website because I love our OAA.  OAA website belongs to OAA.  No one should try to possess it!

I worked in the information technology field for more than 30 years and I know that it is important to guard the integrity of the website.   Only authorized persons can implement changes to the website.  Since you are the webmaster of other organizations, I assume you adhere to this compelling rule.  For this reason, let us keep the OAA website intact while we are searching for ways to improve it.  I have created a sub-domain, named beta, for the committee members to upload the proposed changes for the review of the OAA committee. 

The sign-on ID and password for the Internet Committee to develop web-pages are:

·       The “Host” is oaa-cuhk.org. 

·       The user “ID” is beta@oaa-cuhk.org. 

·       The password is “oaa.roland.4/20”.


2012年5月2日 星期三

2012_05_02 Kowtow v. 磕头

Word of the Day for Wednesday, May  2, 2012
kowtow \KOU-TOU\, verb:
1. To act in an obsequious manner; show servile deference.
2. To touch the forehead to the ground while kneeling, as an act of worship, reverence, apology, etc., especially in former Chinese custom.
1. The act of kowtowing.
Mei-hua was sitting nearby, and though she could not understand the English words she understood what was happening. She murmured that her daughter should kowtow.
 -- Beverly Swerling, City of God
It's a new one for Morrison to meet a girl who doesn't kowtow. He's a very great personage in his line, and he can't help knowing it.
 -- Dorothy Canfield, The Bent Twig
Kowtow comes from the Chinese practice of touching the ground with your forehead to show respect, called k'o t'ou. It literally means "to knock the head."



- 富康史厄林

- 多萝西·坎菲尔德嫩枝弯曲


2012年5月1日 星期二

2012_05_01 Ort n. 一口食物废料 A scrap or morsel of food left at a meal.

Word of the Day for Tuesday, May  1, 2012
ort \awrt\, noun:
A scrap or morsel of food left at a meal.
She continued and enjoyed every tender morsel. There wasn't even an ort left on the plate.
 -- Jack Collins, The Polyandrist Murders: Book 1 Of 2
They fed her on the orts and ends, a little better than the dog, and a little worse than the cat.
 -- Victor Hugo, Les Misérables
“Charles's programs didn't turn up anything?” “Not an ort.” “ Wow. You think they might be dead?
 -- Walter Mosley, All I Did Was Shoot My Man
Ort is related to the Old English word eten meaning "to eat."

- 杰克柯林斯,Polyandrist谋杀案:书12

- 雨果“悲惨世界”

- 沃尔特·莫斯利我所做的就是拍我男人
