2012年5月31日 星期四

2012_05_31 Haimish adj.溫馨的家庭;舒適Homey; cozy and unpretentious.

Word of the Day for Thursday, May 31, 2012
haimish \HEY-mish\, adjective:
Homey; cozy and unpretentious.
Now separated from Gisela Liner's home cooking and haimish evenings playing living-room soccer with Kisch, Billie consoled himself by going to the finest spots in Berlin.
 -- Ed Sikov, On Sunset Boulevard: The Life and Times of Billy Wilder
By late afternoon the house looked at least haimish, with the season's last roses cut and opening in jelly jars.
 -- Sally Koslow, With Friends Like These
There were other homey touches: a mizrakh plaque on the eastern wall, a silver menorah and a sewing kit containing a color wheel of spools on the sideboard—all made the more haimish by the savory aromas wafting in through the kitchen door.
 -- Steve Stern, The Frozen Rabbi
Haimish stems from the Yiddish word of the same spelling, which comes from the German word heimisc that literally means "pertaining to the home."
吉塞拉班輪的家常菜,現在分開客廳與基施打足球haimish晚上,比利安慰自己要在柏林最好的景點。  - 埃德Sikov,在日落大道:比利·懷爾德的生活和時代到下午晚些時候的房子看著在至少haimish,本賽季的最後的玫瑰切開放和果凍罐子。  - 莎莉Koslow,有這樣的朋友有其他家一樣的觸動:上東牆,銀燭台和一個針線包,包含一個線軸色輪上的mizrakh牌匾側板香香通過廚房門裡飄出的香味更haimish。  - 史蒂夫·斯特恩,冷凍拉比haimish源於“。有關家庭”意第緒語單詞的拼寫相同,它的字面意思是從德國詞heimisc

