2012年5月12日 星期六

2012_05_12 Proroque v. To defer; postpone.推遲,停止的會話。

Word of the Day for Saturday, May 12, 2012
prorogue \proh-ROHG\, verb:
1. To defer; postpone.
2. To discontinue a session of (the British Parliament or a similar body).
It was enough to make him rise from his Governor's throne and tell them, in English instead of Latin just so the fools and dunderheads understood, that he was planning to prorogue Parliament within a week.
 -- Julian Barnes, England, England
What I do hear is that Catulus—he's much better, so they say, he'll be back making a nuisance of himself in Senate and Comitia shortly—is organizing a campaign to prorogue all the current governors next year, leaving this year's praetors with no provinces at all.
 -- Colleen McCullough, Caesar's Women
Prorogue is derived from the Latin word prōrogāre from the roots pro- meaning "advancing towards" and rogāre meaning "to ask."

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