2012年5月24日 星期四

2012_05_24 Demiurge n.造物主 magistrate

Word of the Day for Thursday, May 24, 2012
demiurge \DEM-ee-urj\, noun:
1. Philosophy. A. Platonism. The artificer of the world. B. (In the Gnostic and certain other systems) a supernatural being imagined as creating or fashioning the world in subordination to the Supreme Being, and sometimes regarded as the originator of evil.
2. (In many states of ancient Greece) a public official or magistrate.
Larger than a character, the river is a manifest presence, a demiurge to support the man and the boy, a deity to betray them, feed them, all but drown them, fling them apart, float them back together.
 -- Norman Mailer, The Spooky Art
The gnostics think this world was created by a bad god—a demiurge—who wandered too far from the True God and somehow got perverted.
 -- Derek Swannson, Crash Gordon and the Mysteries of Kingsburg
Demiurge meant "a worker for the people" in Ancient Greek, from the roots dḗmio- meaning "of the people" and -ergos, "a worker."

造物主\ DEM的EE-urj\,名詞

1。哲學。 A.柏拉圖世界設計者 B.諾斯底和某些其他系統一種超自然的想像創造塑造隸屬世界最高的存在,有時邪惡鼻祖

- 諾曼·梅勒鬼的藝術

- 德里克Swannson,崩潰戈登和金斯堡的奧秘


