2012年5月20日 星期日

2012_05_20 Gambit n. 備註打開或重定向對話 Any maneuver by which one seeks to gain an advantage.

Word of the Day for Sunday, May 20, 2012
gambit \GAM-bit\, noun:
1. A remark made to open or redirect a conversation.
2. Chess. An opening in which a player seeks to obtain some advantage by sacrificing a pawn or piece.
3. Any maneuver by which one seeks to gain an advantage.
The leader was eyeing him up and down, shrewdly calculating. "Thirsty as all that, are you, my friend?" he asked. Gratefully Bomilcar seized upon the gambit. “Thirsty enough to buy everyone here a drink,” he said.
 -- Colleen McCullough, The First Man in Rome
But in other cases the gambit may be a dependent clause introducing or rounding off some larger unit whose illocutionary force it helps to establish.
 -- Thierry Fontenelle, Practical Lexicography: A Reader
Gambit is primarily a term used in chess. It came from the Italian idiom gambetto meaning "to trip up."



領導盯上了下來,精明計算 渴了這一切是你朋友他問感激Bomilcar開局抓住 渴了夠買這裡的每個人喝一杯”他說。
- 科琳麥卡洛在羅馬第一人

- 亨利實用辭書豐特奈爾一位讀者


