2012年6月3日 星期日

2012_06_02 Bosh n. 無稽之談 Absurd or foolish talk; nonsense.

Word of the Day for Saturday, June  2, 2012
bosh \bosh\, noun:
Absurd or foolish talk; nonsense.
You know perfectly well — and it is all bosh, too. Come, now, how do they proceed?
 -- Mark Twain, The Gilded Age
Bosh, bosh, bosh! Why is it right for him to follow his nature ? Because it is right. Why is it wrong for me to follow my nature? Because it is wrong. That's the whole of your argument…
 -- George Dyre Eldridge, In the Potter's House
Bosh stems from the Turkish word bos meaning "empty". It was popularized in English by the British writer James J. Morier.
2012年6月2日,星期六,日字波什\波什\,名詞:荒謬或愚蠢的談話;無稽之談。你知道得很清楚 - 這是所有的波什,太。來吧,現在,他們是如何進行呢?  - 馬克·吐溫“鍍金時代波什,波什,波什!為什麼這是正確的,他跟隨他的本性嗎?因為它是正確的。為什麼這是錯的,我按照我的本性嗎?因為它是錯誤的。這是你的論點的整體...  - 喬治·Dyre埃爾德里奇,在波特的家波什來自土耳其的字,意思是“空”BOS。它是由英國作家詹姆斯·J. Morier推廣英語。

