2012年6月30日 星期六

2012_06_30 Pilikia n Trouble; 麻煩

Word of the Day for Saturday, June 30, 2012
pilikia \pee-lee-KEE-ah\, noun:
After a while this older man spoke: “Remember, we never asked you to cause pilikia. We only asked that you help set things right.”
 -- Rodney Morales, When the Shark Bites
Otherwise, pilikia, particularly in the form of illness, will result for the mover.
 -- Karen Lee Ito, Lady Friends
Pilikia stems from a Hawaiian word meaning "trouble".

過了一會兒,這個老男人說話了:“記住,我們從來不問你要引起pilikia。我們只要求你幫助撥亂反正“。  - 羅德尼·莫拉萊斯,當鯊魚咬否則,pilikia,特別是在疾病的形式,將導致的先行者。  - 伊藤李家欣,女性朋友pilikia源於從夏威夷字,意思是“麻煩”。result for the mover.
 -- Karen Lee Ito, Lady Friends
Pilikia stems from a Hawaiian word meaning "trouble".

2012年6月29日 星期五

2012_06_29 Agemate n. 另一個相同年齡的人。A person of about the same age as another.

Word of the Day for Friday, June 29, 2012
agemate \EYJ-meyt\, noun:
A person of about the same age as another.
She tolerates the family, especially an agemate named Isabelle, although they kid her about getting letters from a mysterious swain every day.
 -- Faye Moskowitz, Her face in the Mirror
She had no agemate in that house, no one she could think of as an ally.
 -- Julie Orringer, The Invisible Bridge
Agemate entered English in the late 1500s when the word mate meant "guest" in Old English.

- 莫斯科維茨王菲

- 朱莉Orringer,無形的橋樑


2012年6月28日 星期四

2012_06_28 syndic n. 理事 A person chosen to represent and transact business for a corporation.

Word of the Day for Thursday, June 28, 2012
syndic \SIN-dik\, noun:
1. A person chosen to represent and transact business for a corporation.
2. A civil magistrate having different powers in different countries.
Procuring the keys, which had been left at the office of the Syndic of the town, Mr. Bellingham and Isabel sallied forth to inspect their new abode, leaving Dulcie in charge of the English nurse who had accompanied them.
 -- Robert Reginald and Douglas Menville, Ancient Hauntings
For instance, Sillem, the most junior, the "fourth," syndic, the one normally responsible for criminal investigations, had supposedly been "promoted" to the position of third, the one most directly responsible for foreign affairs.
 -- Mary Lindemann, Liaisons Dangereuses
Known more commonly through its related word syndicate, syndic stems from the Greek word sýndikos which referred to a defense lawyer, from the prefix syn- (meaning "co") and the root dikos (meaning "justice").



- 羅伯特雷金納德道格拉斯Menville古代鬧鬼

- 瑪麗·林德曼聯絡員Dangereuses


2012年6月27日 星期三

2012_06_27 Abstergent a. Cleansing.清洗

Word of the Day for Wednesday, June 27, 2012
abstergent \ab-STUR-juhnt\, adjective:
1. Cleansing.
2. Purgative.
1. A cleansing agent, as a detergent or soap.
We prize them for their rough-plastic, abstergent force; to get people out of the quadruped state; to get them washed, clothed, and set up on end; to slough their animal husks and habits; compel them to be clean; overawe their spite and meanness, teach them to stifle the base, and choose the generous expression, and make them know how much happier the generous behaviors are.
 -- Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Conduct of Life
Those of them which are of an abstergent nature, and purge the whole surface of the tongue, if they do it in excess, and so encroach as to consume some part of the flesh itself, like potash and soda, are all termed bitter.
 -- Plato, Timaeus
Abstergent comes from the Latin word abstergēre which meant "to wipe off".
1。清洗。2。瀉藥。名詞:1。清潔劑,洗滌劑或肥皂。其粗糙的塑料,淨洗劑力獎;讓人們出的四足動物的狀態,讓他們洗淨,有衣穿,對最終成立;蛻動物外皮和習慣,迫使他們是清潔;威嚇儘管和卑劣,教他們扼殺基地,並選擇了慷慨的表達,並讓他們知道,慷慨的行為是多麼幸福的。  - 愛默生生命的行為淨洗劑性質,並清除舌頭的整個表面,如果他們這樣做過剩,因此侵犯消耗一些肉本身像鉀肥和燒鹼,這些都被稱為苦。  - 柏拉圖,蒂邁歐篇淨洗劑來自拉丁詞abstergēre這意味著“擦掉”。

2012年6月26日 星期二

Glutch v. 下嚥 to swallow. n. a mouthful.

Word of the Day for Tuesday, June 26, 2012
glutch \gluhch\, verb:
1. to swallow.
1. a mouthful.
And now Robert Creedle will be nailed up in parish boards 'a b'lieve; and nobody will glutch down a sigh for he!"
 -- Thomas Hardy, The Woodlanders
I was, at the time, standing near Uncle Ral and I distinctly heard him gasp, swallow what must have been an overdue expectoration, glutch, and at last emit a long, slow exhalation.
 -- David George Pitt, Tales from the Outer Fringe
Glutch is of unknown origin. It was first used in southwestern England in the early 1800s.
1。下嚥。名詞:1。一口。現在羅伯特Creedle將被釘在教區議會1 b'lieve;沒有人會為他嘆了口氣glutch“!  - 哈代,林地居民當時,我是站在叔叔RAL附近,我清楚地聽到他喘氣,吞下必須已逾期咳痰,glutch,最後排出一個長期,緩慢呼氣。  - 喬治·大衛·皮特,從外緣的故事glutch是來歷不明。這是第一次在英格蘭西南部,在19世紀初。

2012年6月25日 星期一

2012_06_25 Makebate n. 誰引起爭議 A person who causes contention or discord

Word of the Day for Monday, June 25, 2012
makebate \MEYK-beyt\, noun:
A person who causes contention or discord.
The man was a hater of the great Governor and his life-work, the Erie; a makebate, a dawplucker, a malcontent politicaster.
 -- Samuel Hopkins Adams, Grandfather Stories
But after all he pays well that pays with gold; and Mike Lambourne was never a makebate, or a spoil-sport, or the like.
 -- Sir Walter Scott, Kenilworth
Makebate stems from the Middle English word bate which meant "contention".

- 塞繆爾·霍普金斯·亞當斯,爺爺故事

- 沃爾特·斯科特爵士凱尼爾沃思


2012年6月24日 星期日

2012_06_24 Instauration n. 重建 Renewal; restoration; renovation; repair.

Word of the Day for Sunday, June 24, 2012
instauration \in-staw-REY-shuhn\, noun:
1. Renewal; restoration; renovation; repair.
2. Obsolete. An act of instituting something; establishment.
Warm friendship, indeed, he felt for her; but whatever that might have done towards the instauration of a former dream was now hopelessly barred by the rivalry of the thing itself in the guise of a lineal successor.
 -- Thomas Hardy, The Well-Beloved
For the first time since the instauration of the Republic of Cuba, the military caste was going to have to manage on its own.
 -- Norberto Fuentes and Anna Kushner, The Autobiography of Fidel Castro
Instauration is derived from the Latin word instaurātiōn- which meant "a renewing" or "repeating".

復舊\秸稈 - 雷伊shuhn\,名詞


- 哈代寵兒

- 諾伯特·富恩特斯安娜·庫什納菲德爾·卡斯特羅自傳


2012年6月23日 星期六

2012_06_23 Chockablock adj. 擁擠 crowded

Word of the Day for Saturday, June 23, 2012
chockablock \CHOK-uh-BLOK\, adjective:
1. Extremely full; crowded; jammed.
2. Nautical. Having the blocks drawn close together, as when the tackle is hauled to the utmost.
1. In a crowded manner: books piled chockablock on the narrow shelf.
This town is chockablock with restaurants that are just clones of the same old themes.
 -- Amy Tan, The Joy Luck Club
lf opossum and skunk and raccoon can hide there, survive there, year after year, decade after decade, almost in the middle of a teeming metropolitan chockablock, think how an enterprising monkey might fare.
 -- Tom Robbins, Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas
Chockablock is of uncertain origin. It is likely related to the word chock-full which means "crammed". The word chock refers to a wooden block that holds something in place.
1。非常充分;擁擠;卡住。2。海裡。有塊繪製併攏,鏟球時被運至最大限度。副詞:1。在一個擁擠的方式:書堆chockablock在狹窄的貨架。這個鎮是chockablock餐廳,只是老主題的克隆。  - 譚恩美“喜福會”LF負鼠,臭鼬和浣熊可以隱藏的,有生存,年復一年,十年後十年,幾乎是在一個擁擠的大都市chockablock中,認為一個積極進取的猴子會票價如何。  - 湯姆·羅賓斯,一半青蛙睡衣入睡chockablock是不確定的起源。這可能與這意味著“擠”字塞滿。塞滿字,是指一個木塊,擁有到位的東西。

2012年6月22日 星期五

2012_06_29 Subitize v. 一目了然。To perceive at a glance the number of items presented.

Word of the Day for Friday, June 22, 2012
subitize \SOO-bi-tahyz\, verb:
To perceive at a glance the number of items presented.
Below seven the subjects were said to subitize; above seven they were said to estimate.
 -- H. Gutfreund and G. Toulouse, Biology and Computation: A Physicist's Choice
I wanted to see if Pedro could subitize, so I asked, “Pedro, how many stars are in the first circle?”
 -- Melissa Conklin, It Makes Sense!
Subitize comes from the Latin word subitāre which meant "to appear suddenly".

- H古德菲瑞德G.生物學和計算圖盧茲一個物理學家選擇

- 梅麗莎康克林這是有道理的


2012年6月21日 星期四

2012_06_21 Enchiridion n. 手冊。A handbook

Word of the Day for Thursday, June 21, 2012
enchiridion \en-kahy-RID-ee-uhn\, noun:
A handbook; manual.
For you offer us the postulation that we can, in the shadow, or rather the radiance, of your own enchiridion, go and do likewise.
 -- Marcel Proust, Swann's Way
Sarah and Isaac were romping noisily about and under the beds; Rachel was at the table, knitting a scarf for Solomon; grandmother pored over a bulky enchiridion for pious women, written in jargon.
 -- Israel Zangwill, Children of the Ghetto
Enchiridion stems from the Greek root cheir meaning "hand". The prefix en- means "within", so the noun means "in the hand". The suffix -idion denotes a diminutive form of another word.
一本手冊;手冊。為您提供我們的公設,我們可以在陰影,或相當的輻射,自己便覽,去也這樣做。  - 普魯斯特,斯旺的方式莎拉和以撒嬉戲喧嘩和床鋪下;雷切爾在表,針織為所羅門圍巾的祖母在一個虔誠的婦女,在行話書面笨重便覽看了又看。  - 以色列贊格威爾,貧民窟兒童便覽源於希臘詞根,意思是“手”cheir。前綴的方式“內”,所以這個名詞是指“在手”。後綴idion表示一個字一個身材矮小的形式。

2012年6月20日 星期三

2012_06_20 Noctilucent adj. 夜光 Visible during the short night of the summer.

Word of the Day for Wednesday, June 20, 2012
noctilucent \nok-tuh-LOO-suhnt\, adjective:
Visible during the short night of the summer.
So Sax would sit on the Western sea cliff, rapt through the setting of the sun, then stay through the hour of twilight, watching the sky colors change as the sun's shadow rose up, until all the sky was black; and then sometimes there would appear noctilucent clouds, thirty kilometers above the planet, broad streaks gleaming like abalone shells.
 -- Kim Stanley Robinson, Blue Mars
The shells of 155-mm howitzers whistled away through the dark air, orange flashes popped like noctilucent flowers on the western ridge of Hon Heo Mountain and disappeared shortly after, and then the sound of explosions rumbled through the ground.
 -- Junghyo Ahn, White Badge
Noctilucent entered English in the late 1800s. It is a combination of the prefix nocti- (which means "night") and lucent (which means "shining").

夜光\ NOK-tuh-LOO-suhnt\,形容詞


- 金Stanley魯賓遜火星

- Junghyo安貞煥白色徽章


2012年6月19日 星期二

2012_06_19 Pensee n. 反射或思想。A reflection or thought

Word of the Day for Tuesday, June 19, 2012
pensée \pahn-SEY\, noun:
A reflection or thought.
He rose from his deep chair and at his desk entered on the first page of a new notebook a pensee: The penalty of sloth is longevity.
 -- Evelyn Waugh, Unconditional Surrender
In a pensee that could have been cribbed from Mae West's daybook, she also said, “If you want to sacrifice the admiration of many men for the criticism of one, go ahead, get married!”
 -- Karen Karbo, How to Hepburn
Pensée comes directly from the French word of the same spelling which means "a thought".


- 伊夫林·沃無條件投降

在一個本來可以西daybook cribbed pensee如果你想犧牲為一體的批評,許多男人欽佩,勇往直前,結婚
- 卡倫Karbo如何赫本


2012年6月18日 星期一

2012_06_18 Volant adj. nimble.

Word of the Day for Monday, June 18, 2012
volant \VOH-luhnt\, adjective:
1. Moving lightly; nimble.
2. Engaged in or having the power of flight.
1. Also called volant piece. Armor. A reinforcing piece for the brow of a helmet.
But here in the present case, to carry on the volant metaphor, (for I must either be merry or mad) is a pretty little Miss, just, come out of her hanging-sleeve coat, brought to buy a pretty little fairing; for the world, Jack, is but a great fair thou knowest; and, to give thee serious reflection for serious, all its toys but tinselled hobby horses, gilt gingerbread, squeaking trumpets, painted drums, and so forth.
 -- Samuel Richardson, Clarissa, Or, The History of a Young Lady
With Rube winging it that spring, the band blared, and the volant baseball team was unbeatable.
 -- Alan Howard Levy, Rube Waddell
Volant stems from the Latin word volāre which meant "to fly". In English, it acquired the sense of moving nimbly in the early 1600s.
展翅\的VOH-luhnt\,形容詞:1。移動掉以輕心;靈活。2。從事或擁有飛行的力量。名詞:1。也稱為展翅片。鎧甲。一個頭盔的容顏,加強一塊。但在目前情況下,進行的展翅比喻,(我必須是快樂或瘋狂)是一個漂亮的小小姐,只是,她吊袖大衣,拿來買了漂亮的小整流罩;世界,傑克,但一個偉大的公平你知道,給你嚴重的認真反思,其所有的玩具,但tinselled愛好馬,鎏金薑餅,吱吱小號,畫鼓,等等。  - 塞繆爾·理查森,克拉麗莎,或者,一位年輕女士的歷史魯貝藏匿的那年春天,樂隊的迴響,展翅的棒球隊是無與倫比的。  - 阿蘭·霍華德·利維,魯貝沃德爾展翅源於拉丁詞volāre這意味著“飛”。在英語中,它獲得了靈活移動,在17世紀初感。

2012年6月17日 星期日

2012_06_17 Agnate n. 父方 Any male relation on the father's side

Word of the Day for Sunday, June 17, 2012
agnate \ag-neyt\, noun:
1. A relative whose connection is traceable exclusively through males.
2. Any male relation on the father's side.
1. Related or akin through males or on the father's side.
2. Allied or akin.
It was considered abomination; no agnate gives up its infant kin in Igboland, no matter the crime.
 -- M. O. Ené, Blighted Blues
His uncle in the third segment was the only other agnate who shared patriotic sentiments with Yat-Kuan.
 -- Saikaku Ihara, Tales of Japanese Justice
Agnate is derived from the Latin word agnātus which referred to paternal kinsmen.
父方\ AG-neyt\,名詞



- M. O.烯,荒蕪藍調

- 井原西鶴日本司法故事


2012年6月16日 星期六

2012_06_16 Sardanapalian adj. 過分豪華 Excessively luxurious

Word of the Day for Saturday, June 16, 2012
Sardanapalian \sahr-dn-uh-PEYL-yuhn\, adjective:
Excessively luxurious.
Rich papers with gold borders, bronze chandeliers, mahogany engravings in the dining-room, and blue cashmere furniture in the salon, … all details of a chilling and perfectly unmeaning character, but which to the eyes of Ville-aux- Fayes seemed the last efforts of Sardanapalian luxury.
 -- Honoré de Balzac, Sons of Soil
Here, in this half-destroyed Tartar town, surrounded by steppes, he indulged himself in a Sardanapalian effulgence that beggared even his jassy Court.
 -- Simon Sebag Montefiore, Potemkin
First used in English in the 1860s, Sardanapalian is an eponym that comes from the legendary Assyrian king Sardanapal who was famous for his decadence.
過分豪華。豐富的論文與金邊框,青銅吊燈,紅木雕刻在飯廳裡,在沙龍的藍色羊絨家具,...寒蟬完全無意義的字符的所有細節,但威樂輔助Fayes眼睛似乎在最後努力Sardanapalian奢侈品。  - 巴爾扎克,土壤的兒子在這裡,在這半年,已銷毀韃靼鎮,草原包圍,他縱容自己,陷於貧困的境地,甚至他的jassy法院在Sardanapalian光輝。  - 西蒙Sebag蒙蒂菲奧里,波將金在19世紀60年代,在英語中首次使用Sardanapalian是從傳說中的亞述國王Sardanapal誰是他頹廢的著名的名字命名。

2012年6月15日 星期五

2012_06_13 Mewl v. 哭,了像嗚咽 whimper.

Word of the Day for Wednesday, June 13, 2012
mewl \myool\, verb:
To cry, as a baby, young child, or the like; whimper.
When Celia was growing up, her father had taken in a stray kitten, an avid hunter who – by the time Celia had left for college – still had not gotten over a formative, stray-life trauma that compelled it to mewl between mouthfuls of food.
 -- Myla Goldberg, The False Friend
They have mouths that twitch, and eyes that stare, and they babble and they mewl and they whimper.
 -- Neil Gaiman, Smoke and Mirrors
Mewl is an imitative word that mimics the sound of a whimper.

西莉亞長大,她的父親流浪小貓一個狂熱的獵人誰 - 時間西莉亞離開大專 - 仍未得到形成流浪生活創傷,迫使它的食物之間幾口mewl
- 米拉戈德堡虛假的朋友

- 內爾吉曼,霧裡看花


2012_06_15 Cunctation n. Delay; tardiness; 延遲;遲到。

Word of the Day for Friday, June 15, 2012
cunctation \kuhngk-TEY-shuhn\, noun:
Delay; tardiness.
Lord Eldon however was personally answerable for unnecessary and culpable cunctation, as he called it in protracting the arguments of counsel, and in deferring judgment from day to day, from term to term, and from year to year after the arguments had closed and he had irrevocably decided in his own mind what the judgment should be.
 -- Baron John Campbell, Lives of Lord Lyndhurst and Lord Brougham
"What it's about," Goldman said, with tantalizing cunctation, "is a whole lot of things, as a matter of fact."
 -- Philip Kerr, The Shot
Cunctation stems from the Latin word cunctātiōn- meaning "delay" or "hesitation".
延遲;遲到。主埃爾登個人不過是不必要的和應受懲處cunctation交代,他稱之為地延長律師的論點,並推遲從每天的判斷,從短期到長期,從一年到一年後的參數已關閉,他不得不無可挽回地決定自己的心態應該是什麼的判斷。 巴朗 - 約翰·坎貝爾,主林德赫斯特和主蒙生活“它是關於什麼的,”高盛說,與誘人cunctation,“一大堆的事情,事實上,。”  - 菲利普·科爾,鉛球從拉美cunctātiōn的意思是“延遲”或“猶豫”一詞源於cunctation。

2012年6月14日 星期四

2012_06_14 Imponderable , 無法估量的cannot precisely determined or measured.

Word of the Day for Thursday, June 14, 2012
imponderable \im-PON-der-uh-buhl\, noun:m
1. A thing that cannot be precisely determined or measured.
1. Not ponderable; that cannot be precisely determined, measured, or evaluated.
Of course he had always been a huge imponderable, if not to say the biggest challenge of her admittedly young life.
 -- Lindsay Armstrong, The Constantin Marriage
Of course there's always the imponderable, the unpredictable which can't be foreseen...
 -- Leonardo Sciascia, Peter Robb and Sacha Rabinovitch, The Moro Affair
Imponderable comes directly from the Medieval Latin word imponderābilis which had the same meaning.
無法估量的\ IM-PON的DER-UH-布爾\,名詞



- 林賽·阿姆斯特朗康斯坦丁婚姻

- 萊昂納多夏夏彼得·羅布薩沙·拉賓諾維奇摩洛事理


2012年6月11日 星期一

2012_06_11 Ravelment n. Entanglement; 糾纏;混亂。

Word of the Day for Monday, June 11, 2012
ravelment \RAV-uhl-muhnt\, noun:
Entanglement; confusion.
Hampered as I was by my well-known connection with the Gillespie poisoning case, I could not personally make a move towards the ravelment of its mystery without subjecting myself to the curiosity of the people among whom my attention of the District Attorney's office and the suspicion of the men whose business I was in a measure attempting to usurp.
 -- Anna Katharine Green, One of My Sons
What I could see clearly, though, was the lower course of the burn: this bisected the small valley and appeared to loop around the far side of the dwelling, partly enfolding it before it broadened out and spread thence through arable to a ravelment of stone and incoming sea.
 -- Clifford Geddes, Edge of the Glen
Ravelment derives from the word ravel which means "to become tangled". It entered English in the early 1800s.

糾纏\ RAV UHL-muhnt\,名詞


- 安娜·凱瑟琳·格林我的一個兒子

- 克利福德格迪斯幽谷邊緣


2012年6月10日 星期日

2012_06_10 mignon adj.精緻漂亮 Delicately pretty

Word of the Day for Sunday, June 10, 2012
mignon \min-YON\, adjective:
Small and pretty; delicately pretty.
And here Jasmin caressed his own arm, and made as if it were a baby's, smiling and speaking in a mignon voice, wagging his head roguishly.
 -- William Chambers and Robert Chambers, Chambers's Edinburgh Journal
As the village princeling and household cosset, the toast of the family, the mignon of the minions, the darling of the staff, my feelings about the proposed adoption would not be hard to divine.
 -- Martin Amis, Success
Mignon stems from the French word of the same spelling which means "delicate" or "charming". It is also related to the word "minion" through the sense of "small".


- 威廉·錢伯斯和羅伯特·錢伯斯,錢伯斯的愛丁堡 -

- 馬丁·艾米斯,成功


2012年6月9日 星期六

2012_06_09 Pochismo n. 借用一個英文單詞或表達成西班牙文。

Word of the Day for Saturday, June  9, 2012
pochismo \poh-CHEEZ-moh\, noun:
1. An English word or expression borrowed into Spanish.
2. A form of speech employing many such words.
3. An adopted U.S. custom, attitude, etc.
Along the Texas border, in the towns on both sides of the Rio Grande, they call a similar blending of languages pochismo.
 -- Robert Wilder, Plough the Sea
The assimilation of English with Spanish speech and of Hispanic with Anglo traits in the mixed culture termed pochismo has brought contrasting values and characteristics into play within families and even within individuals.
 -- Milo Kearney and Manuel Medrano, Medieval Culture and the Mexican American Borderlands
Pochismo entered English in the 1940s. It is a variation of the word pocho which refers to a person of Mexican heritage who has adopted American customs. The suffix -ismo is usually the Spanish equivalent of the English suffix -ism.


- 羅伯特·懷爾德先靈葆雅

- 米洛科爾尼曼努埃爾·梅德拉諾中世紀文化墨西哥裔美國人邊疆


2012年6月8日 星期五

2012_06_08 Divulse 撕裂或分開。

Word of the Day for Friday, June  8, 2012
divulse \dahy-VUHLS\, verb:
To tear away or apart.
A perforation having been so made, it is safer to divulse the opening rather than to enlarge it by cutting in order to avoid the possibility of opening a blood vessel in an inaccessible region.
 -- Eugene Fuller, M.D., The Journal of the American Medical Association
Even if you are the kooper of the winkel over measure never lost a license. Nor a duckindonche divulse from bath and breakfast.
 -- James Joyce, Finnegans Wake
Divulse comes from the Latin root vellere meaning "plucked". The prefix di- is a variation of dis- before the letter v meaning "apart" or "away", as in disown.

divulse\ dahy VUHLS\,動詞:撕裂或分開。穿孔已如此作出的,​​它是安全,到divulse開放,而不是擴大它切割,以避免在人跡罕至的地區開放血管的可能性。  - 尤金·富勒,醫學博士,美國醫學協會雜誌“即使你是以上措施的溫克爾kooper永遠失去了牌照。 ,也不是從浴缸和早餐duckindonche divulse。  - 詹姆斯·喬伊斯,芬尼根守靈divulse來自拉丁詞根,意思是“撥弦”vellere。 DI-前綴是一種變異,顯示之前至五意思是“分開”或“離開”在斷絕關係的信。

2012年6月7日 星期四

2012_06_07 Natch adv.當然,自然。Of course; naturally.

Word of the Day for Thursday, June  7, 2012
natch \nach\, adverb:
Of course; naturally.
She was even more delighted to hear that you were planning to invest in her health club, and hopes to see you there as a patron as well as an investor. At reduced rates, natch?
 -- Evelyn E. Smith, Miss Melville Returns
Yes, well, your father, who has no humanitarian instincts, is already designing a computer program to put the Lever process on automatic. For a small fee, natch.
 -- Dana Stabenow, Second Star
Natch is a shortening and respelling of the common English word naturally.


- 伊夫林·E·史密斯,吳梅爾維爾返回

- 達納施塔貝諾星級


2012年6月6日 星期三

2012_06_05 Larrup v. 毆打或鞭打 to beat or thrash

Word of the Day for Wednesday, June  6, 2012
larrup \LAR-uhp\, verb:
To beat or thrash.
When a seagoing canoe beached on the stones, or when a neighbor came larruping from around back of the house, Martha Obenchain, peeling potatoes at a table in the sun, rose and put the kettle on, tickled pink.
 -- Annie Dillard, The Living
A fast white boat comes larruping around the point from the direction of Mercer Island and banks towards him.
 -- Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon
Larrup may derive from the Dutch word larpen meaning "to beat with flails".


- 安妮迪拉德生活

- 尼爾·斯蒂芬森Cryptonomicon


2012年6月5日 星期二

2012_06_05 apoplectic adj. 不夠激烈,威脅或導致中風。

Word of the Day for Tuesday, June  5, 2012
apoplectic \ap-uh-plek-tik\, adjective:
1. Intense enough to threaten or cause a stroke.
2. Of or pertaining to apoplexy.
3. Having or inclined to apoplexy.
1. A person having or predisposed to apoplexy.
When Abie used to shout, Rebecca always used to make a joke that he was having one of his apoplectic fits.
 -- Alan Grayson, Mile End
...four years, one recession and a host of battles — over financial regulation and the nomination of Elizabeth Warren, over Dodd-Frank and the Buffett Rule — have taken their toll. Some on Wall Street are apoplectic. One former supporter, Dan Loeb, compared Obama to Nero; the president’s enemies insinuated worse.
 -- Nicholas Confessore, "Obama’s Not-So-Hot Date With Wall Street", The New York Times Magazine, May 2, 2012
Apoplectic stems from the Greek word apoplēktikós which meant "pertaining to stroke". It literally meant "struck down".
中風\ AP-UH-plek\,形容詞



- 艾倫·格雷森

......四年來,經濟衰退和一系列的戰鬥 - 金融監管多德 - 弗蘭克巴菲特規則伊麗莎白·沃倫提名 - 已採取他們的通行費華爾街一些中風前者的支持者之一·勒布到Nero相比,奧巴馬總統的敵人含沙射影更糟
- 尼古拉斯Confessore奧巴馬與華爾街不那麼日期”,紐約時報雜誌”5月2日2012年


2012年6月4日 星期一

2012_06_04 Histrionics n. 裝腔作勢 Dramatic representation

Word of the Day for Monday, June  4, 2012
histrionics \his-tree-ON-iks\, noun:
1. Behavior or speech for effect, as insincere or exaggerated expression of an emotion.
2. Dramatic representation; theatricals; acting.
You are constantly talking about Beate's histrionics, her showing off.
 -- Alberto Moravia, 1934
Of course it is not only southern writers, of lyrical bent, who engage in such histrionics and shout, "Look at me!" Perhaps it is a parable of all artists.
 -- Tennessee Williams, New Selected Essays
Though it sounds like the word history, histrionics has a different root. It comes from the Etruscan root histriōn- which meant "actor".


- 阿爾貝托摩拉維亞1934年

- 田納西·威廉斯新選定的散文


2012年6月3日 星期日

2012_06_03 Levigate v. 擦,磨,細粉 To rub, grind,

Word of the Day for Sunday, June  3, 2012
levigate \LEV-i-geyt\, verb:
1. To rub, grind, or reduce to a fine powder.
2. Chemistry. To make a homogeneous mixture of, as gels.
1. Botany. Having a smooth, glossy surface; glabrous.
It is sufficient to levigate them with water to obtain them very white.
 -- M. Richter, Philosophical Magazine, Volume 23
This clay, carefully levigated, and covered with an excellent glaze, yielded a red ware…
 -- Samuel Smiles, Josiah Wedgwood
Levigate is derived from the Latin word lēvigātus meaning "to smooth."
磨光\利-I geyt的\,動詞:1。擦,磨,細粉或減少。2。化學。做一個混合均勻,凝膠。形容詞:1。植物。具有表面光滑,有光澤;無毛。這是足夠的水,磨光與他們獲得他們很白。  - ·里希特,哲學雜誌,第23卷仔細levigated,涵蓋了一個良好的釉,粘土,取得了一個紅色的潔具......  - 斯邁爾斯,喬賽亞·韋奇伍德磨光來自拉丁詞,意思是的lēvigātus“順利”。

2012_06_02 Bosh n. 無稽之談 Absurd or foolish talk; nonsense.

Word of the Day for Saturday, June  2, 2012
bosh \bosh\, noun:
Absurd or foolish talk; nonsense.
You know perfectly well — and it is all bosh, too. Come, now, how do they proceed?
 -- Mark Twain, The Gilded Age
Bosh, bosh, bosh! Why is it right for him to follow his nature ? Because it is right. Why is it wrong for me to follow my nature? Because it is wrong. That's the whole of your argument…
 -- George Dyre Eldridge, In the Potter's House
Bosh stems from the Turkish word bos meaning "empty". It was popularized in English by the British writer James J. Morier.
2012年6月2日,星期六,日字波什\波什\,名詞:荒謬或愚蠢的談話;無稽之談。你知道得很清楚 - 這是所有的波什,太。來吧,現在,他們是如何進行呢?  - 馬克·吐溫“鍍金時代波什,波什,波什!為什麼這是正確的,他跟隨他的本性嗎?因為它是正確的。為什麼這是錯的,我按照我的本性嗎?因為它是錯誤的。這是你的論點的整體...  - 喬治·Dyre埃爾德里奇,在波特的家波什來自土耳其的字,意思是“空”BOS。它是由英國作家詹姆斯·J. Morier推廣英語。