2012年6月15日 星期五

2012_06_15 Cunctation n. Delay; tardiness; 延遲;遲到。

Word of the Day for Friday, June 15, 2012
cunctation \kuhngk-TEY-shuhn\, noun:
Delay; tardiness.
Lord Eldon however was personally answerable for unnecessary and culpable cunctation, as he called it in protracting the arguments of counsel, and in deferring judgment from day to day, from term to term, and from year to year after the arguments had closed and he had irrevocably decided in his own mind what the judgment should be.
 -- Baron John Campbell, Lives of Lord Lyndhurst and Lord Brougham
"What it's about," Goldman said, with tantalizing cunctation, "is a whole lot of things, as a matter of fact."
 -- Philip Kerr, The Shot
Cunctation stems from the Latin word cunctātiōn- meaning "delay" or "hesitation".
延遲;遲到。主埃爾登個人不過是不必要的和應受懲處cunctation交代,他稱之為地延長律師的論點,並推遲從每天的判斷,從短期到長期,從一年到一年後的參數已關閉,他不得不無可挽回地決定自己的心態應該是什麼的判斷。 巴朗 - 約翰·坎貝爾,主林德赫斯特和主蒙生活“它是關於什麼的,”高盛說,與誘人cunctation,“一大堆的事情,事實上,。”  - 菲利普·科爾,鉛球從拉美cunctātiōn的意思是“延遲”或“猶豫”一詞源於cunctation。

