2012年6月15日 星期五

2012_06_13 Mewl v. 哭,了像嗚咽 whimper.

Word of the Day for Wednesday, June 13, 2012
mewl \myool\, verb:
To cry, as a baby, young child, or the like; whimper.
When Celia was growing up, her father had taken in a stray kitten, an avid hunter who – by the time Celia had left for college – still had not gotten over a formative, stray-life trauma that compelled it to mewl between mouthfuls of food.
 -- Myla Goldberg, The False Friend
They have mouths that twitch, and eyes that stare, and they babble and they mewl and they whimper.
 -- Neil Gaiman, Smoke and Mirrors
Mewl is an imitative word that mimics the sound of a whimper.

西莉亞長大,她的父親流浪小貓一個狂熱的獵人誰 - 時間西莉亞離開大專 - 仍未得到形成流浪生活創傷,迫使它的食物之間幾口mewl
- 米拉戈德堡虛假的朋友

- 內爾吉曼,霧裡看花


