2012年6月23日 星期六

2012_06_23 Chockablock adj. 擁擠 crowded

Word of the Day for Saturday, June 23, 2012
chockablock \CHOK-uh-BLOK\, adjective:
1. Extremely full; crowded; jammed.
2. Nautical. Having the blocks drawn close together, as when the tackle is hauled to the utmost.
1. In a crowded manner: books piled chockablock on the narrow shelf.
This town is chockablock with restaurants that are just clones of the same old themes.
 -- Amy Tan, The Joy Luck Club
lf opossum and skunk and raccoon can hide there, survive there, year after year, decade after decade, almost in the middle of a teeming metropolitan chockablock, think how an enterprising monkey might fare.
 -- Tom Robbins, Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas
Chockablock is of uncertain origin. It is likely related to the word chock-full which means "crammed". The word chock refers to a wooden block that holds something in place.
1。非常充分;擁擠;卡住。2。海裡。有塊繪製併攏,鏟球時被運至最大限度。副詞:1。在一個擁擠的方式:書堆chockablock在狹窄的貨架。這個鎮是chockablock餐廳,只是老主題的克隆。  - 譚恩美“喜福會”LF負鼠,臭鼬和浣熊可以隱藏的,有生存,年復一年,十年後十年,幾乎是在一個擁擠的大都市chockablock中,認為一個積極進取的猴子會票價如何。  - 湯姆·羅賓斯,一半青蛙睡衣入睡chockablock是不確定的起源。這可能與這意味著“擠”字塞滿。塞滿字,是指一個木塊,擁有到位的東西。

