2012年6月30日 星期六

2012_06_30 Pilikia n Trouble; 麻煩

Word of the Day for Saturday, June 30, 2012
pilikia \pee-lee-KEE-ah\, noun:
After a while this older man spoke: “Remember, we never asked you to cause pilikia. We only asked that you help set things right.”
 -- Rodney Morales, When the Shark Bites
Otherwise, pilikia, particularly in the form of illness, will result for the mover.
 -- Karen Lee Ito, Lady Friends
Pilikia stems from a Hawaiian word meaning "trouble".

過了一會兒,這個老男人說話了:“記住,我們從來不問你要引起pilikia。我們只要求你幫助撥亂反正“。  - 羅德尼·莫拉萊斯,當鯊魚咬否則,pilikia,特別是在疾病的形式,將導致的先行者。  - 伊藤李家欣,女性朋友pilikia源於從夏威夷字,意思是“麻煩”。result for the mover.
 -- Karen Lee Ito, Lady Friends
Pilikia stems from a Hawaiian word meaning "trouble".

