2012年6月26日 星期二

Glutch v. 下嚥 to swallow. n. a mouthful.

Word of the Day for Tuesday, June 26, 2012
glutch \gluhch\, verb:
1. to swallow.
1. a mouthful.
And now Robert Creedle will be nailed up in parish boards 'a b'lieve; and nobody will glutch down a sigh for he!"
 -- Thomas Hardy, The Woodlanders
I was, at the time, standing near Uncle Ral and I distinctly heard him gasp, swallow what must have been an overdue expectoration, glutch, and at last emit a long, slow exhalation.
 -- David George Pitt, Tales from the Outer Fringe
Glutch is of unknown origin. It was first used in southwestern England in the early 1800s.
1。下嚥。名詞:1。一口。現在羅伯特Creedle將被釘在教區議會1 b'lieve;沒有人會為他嘆了口氣glutch“!  - 哈代,林地居民當時,我是站在叔叔RAL附近,我清楚地聽到他喘氣,吞下必須已逾期咳痰,glutch,最後排出一個長期,緩慢呼氣。  - 喬治·大衛·皮特,從外緣的故事glutch是來歷不明。這是第一次在英格蘭西南部,在19世紀初。

