2012年6月27日 星期三

2012_06_27 Abstergent a. Cleansing.清洗

Word of the Day for Wednesday, June 27, 2012
abstergent \ab-STUR-juhnt\, adjective:
1. Cleansing.
2. Purgative.
1. A cleansing agent, as a detergent or soap.
We prize them for their rough-plastic, abstergent force; to get people out of the quadruped state; to get them washed, clothed, and set up on end; to slough their animal husks and habits; compel them to be clean; overawe their spite and meanness, teach them to stifle the base, and choose the generous expression, and make them know how much happier the generous behaviors are.
 -- Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Conduct of Life
Those of them which are of an abstergent nature, and purge the whole surface of the tongue, if they do it in excess, and so encroach as to consume some part of the flesh itself, like potash and soda, are all termed bitter.
 -- Plato, Timaeus
Abstergent comes from the Latin word abstergēre which meant "to wipe off".
1。清洗。2。瀉藥。名詞:1。清潔劑,洗滌劑或肥皂。其粗糙的塑料,淨洗劑力獎;讓人們出的四足動物的狀態,讓他們洗淨,有衣穿,對最終成立;蛻動物外皮和習慣,迫使他們是清潔;威嚇儘管和卑劣,教他們扼殺基地,並選擇了慷慨的表達,並讓他們知道,慷慨的行為是多麼幸福的。  - 愛默生生命的行為淨洗劑性質,並清除舌頭的整個表面,如果他們這樣做過剩,因此侵犯消耗一些肉本身像鉀肥和燒鹼,這些都被稱為苦。  - 柏拉圖,蒂邁歐篇淨洗劑來自拉丁詞abstergēre這意味著“擦掉”。

