2012年6月16日 星期六

2012_06_16 Sardanapalian adj. 過分豪華 Excessively luxurious

Word of the Day for Saturday, June 16, 2012
Sardanapalian \sahr-dn-uh-PEYL-yuhn\, adjective:
Excessively luxurious.
Rich papers with gold borders, bronze chandeliers, mahogany engravings in the dining-room, and blue cashmere furniture in the salon, … all details of a chilling and perfectly unmeaning character, but which to the eyes of Ville-aux- Fayes seemed the last efforts of Sardanapalian luxury.
 -- Honoré de Balzac, Sons of Soil
Here, in this half-destroyed Tartar town, surrounded by steppes, he indulged himself in a Sardanapalian effulgence that beggared even his jassy Court.
 -- Simon Sebag Montefiore, Potemkin
First used in English in the 1860s, Sardanapalian is an eponym that comes from the legendary Assyrian king Sardanapal who was famous for his decadence.
過分豪華。豐富的論文與金邊框,青銅吊燈,紅木雕刻在飯廳裡,在沙龍的藍色羊絨家具,...寒蟬完全無意義的字符的所有細節,但威樂輔助Fayes眼睛似乎在最後努力Sardanapalian奢侈品。  - 巴爾扎克,土壤的兒子在這裡,在這半年,已銷毀韃靼鎮,草原包圍,他縱容自己,陷於貧困的境地,甚至他的jassy法院在Sardanapalian光輝。  - 西蒙Sebag蒙蒂菲奧里,波將金在19世紀60年代,在英語中首次使用Sardanapalian是從傳說中的亞述國王Sardanapal誰是他頹廢的著名的名字命名。

