2012年6月3日 星期日

2012_06_03 Levigate v. 擦,磨,細粉 To rub, grind,

Word of the Day for Sunday, June  3, 2012
levigate \LEV-i-geyt\, verb:
1. To rub, grind, or reduce to a fine powder.
2. Chemistry. To make a homogeneous mixture of, as gels.
1. Botany. Having a smooth, glossy surface; glabrous.
It is sufficient to levigate them with water to obtain them very white.
 -- M. Richter, Philosophical Magazine, Volume 23
This clay, carefully levigated, and covered with an excellent glaze, yielded a red ware…
 -- Samuel Smiles, Josiah Wedgwood
Levigate is derived from the Latin word lēvigātus meaning "to smooth."
磨光\利-I geyt的\,動詞:1。擦,磨,細粉或減少。2。化學。做一個混合均勻,凝膠。形容詞:1。植物。具有表面光滑,有光澤;無毛。這是足夠的水,磨光與他們獲得他們很白。  - ·里希特,哲學雜誌,第23卷仔細levigated,涵蓋了一個良好的釉,粘土,取得了一個紅色的潔具......  - 斯邁爾斯,喬賽亞·韋奇伍德磨光來自拉丁詞,意思是的lēvigātus“順利”。

